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As I alluded to in the thread title, the display on my Game Boy Advance (which I've had since it first came out) appears to be on it's last legs. It looks EXTREMELY washed out (well, moreso than usual) and only the most vibrant colors are visable.

I know that at this point I'm probably better of ditching the thing altogether, but I figured it'd be worth a shot to ask here; does anybody have any experience with this kind of problem, and if so, is it possible to repair it?


This is actually a pretty easy fix. Once you get the back off (you'll need a special tri-wing tip screwdriver) then you open it up like a taco - the screen and buttons will be on one side, the guts like the circuits will be on the other. There will be a ribbon cable to disconnect the two sides (this connects the lcd screen to the motherboard), then you can pull the lcd out of place and replace it with a new one. Be aware that you have a very high chance of getting dust in the screen, and the cost of buying a used old school gba will likely be less than the cost of a new lcd screen plus shipping.

Or are you playing lots of old GameBoy carts on it still? That's the only thing I don't like about the DS.
I've considered buying a DS many times, but the lack of GB support is the main thing holding me back right now. I've got more GB/GBC games than I do GBA, and I still play them from time to time.

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