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*NO* Final Fantasy 6 'Dancing Madly (Third Form)'

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Well, we did the first two - not that that makes the third a guarantee - djp

Hello again, I am submitting the third part of my Dancing Madly series.

It is called Dancing Madly - Third Form and it can be found at my website,

Or at the direct link

If it is submitted please credit it to "waxingeloquent" at


It is a bit shorter than the other two but I like it =) Also I will

probably hold off on working on #4 for a while, until I find out if any of

these get submitted and if I will have enough time to do it justice.

Thanks in advance!


The mixing on this needs some work. The instruments on this sound really separate, if that makes any sense. Drums sound muffled, and some synths are much too loud compared to others. Arrangement is good, but for me the mixing spoiled it completely.



This one was lacking the motivation of the others. While that isnt enough to reject a mix, I see a lot of minimalistic expression in this mix. I dont think the rockin original works very well as a repetitive minimalistic song. Other than that, the bent synths runnin along the whole song seem out of other place.

This song either goes exactly on the trail of the original or goes way off. I believe the song should be close or far, but not attempt both. The first half of the mix was mostly improve remotely based on the original while the ending fills in the original rather closely. Better instrument choice could have been applied rather than having only sine/triangle wave synths and a few saws.


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