Liontamer Posted July 11, 2008 Posted July 11, 2008 Contact Information * Your ReMixer name: Matt Castilho * Your real name: Matheus Vieira de Castilho * Your email address: * Your website: - * Your userid: 24196 Submission Information * Name of game(s) arranged: Tidal surge ~ Nightscape ~ Bonus round * Name of individual song(s) arranged: Everything's Blue * Additional information about game including composer, system, etc: System: Genesis / Composer: John Holland * Link to the original soundtrack: * Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc: "Basically, what I'm willing to do here is to make an electronic music based on a video game music. I'm really glad to work with music I speccially liked when I was young. -- Matheus Vieira de Castilho Film & Video Student Member of Marketing AIESEC - Florianopolis, Brazil --------------------------------------------------------------- The one track from Vectorman I really loved, and you grooved it up. Nice. Let's see what's up... - "Day 3: Tidal Surge, Day 12: Nightscape, Bonus Round" 2:12's worth of buildup for a 4:59-long mix is nearly 50% of the track. I don't mean to sound genre-biased, but the intro is probably too long; now, I can roll with it more than most judges, because you're clearly gradually building and evolving. But, arguably, it's still pretty bloated. Personally, I can run with it. Once the simplified theme (a valid approach, BTW) truly kicks in, it's just on top of the established groove from 2:12-2:57. Nice dropoff at 2:57, featuring an electrosynth interpreting another portion of the source while the track built itself back up for 3:41's section. 3:41-4:24 retread 2:12's section verbatim, which felt lazy, while the final section closing things out also retread 2:57's section with some new effects. Perfectly fine close, in a vacuum. Would have been better if the last few minutes weren't such a retread though. I like the general direction and groove, and the production was fairly solid. It's leans on the groove too much, but, on a groove bias level, this generally works. I'm surprisingly cool with the intro, but the latter half of the arrangement simply needs more development and substance to justify the 5 minutes. The reuse of prior material from 3:41-4:59 really needs something more to distinguish itself from the first time you hear that stuff. You have some new background instruments and effects, but the overall feel was basically the same. Throw a few more ideas in there, and you'd be in much better shape. Cool stuff so far, Matheus! I'll be keeping it. NO (resubmit)
Palpable Posted July 17, 2008 Posted July 17, 2008 Extreme panning in the source song. My freakin' ears! Great groove, right from the get-go. Sounds like a loop, but hell, if it works, it works. I like the trickling in of the pads and staccato synths, but I think the build-up is a little long. Some more prominent details here and there would help - everything you have is super subtle. 2:12 is a cool moment when the main melody kicks in, but it was disappointing to hear to backing track remain basically the same as the first minute and a half. Like Larry said, great drop-off section at 2:57, I thought it was a strong addition. But back to the same chorus at 3:41. Overall, I like the arrangement ideas but I think it needs a little more variation. You hold the drumloop forever, maybe some higher-pitched loops or percussion layered on top could add to the song. There's also some elements in the original that you didn't use, working those in could give it more variation and a stronger source connection. Nice production. Your title is quite evocative and it suits the atmosphere here very well, ethereal and melancholy. It gets a tiny bit muddy with all the reverb and delay you use - may want to roll off some of the lower-frequencies of the pads to avoid some of the muddiness. Pretty small thing though; the arrangement is what's gonna hold this back. Please resubmit, Matt! NO (resubmit)
zykO Posted July 18, 2008 Posted July 18, 2008 honestly, you know you have a problem when someone who not only loves longwinded intros and long moody psychedelic tracks but also writes those kinds of musics thinks your track takes too long to develop. i take my time with intros because it gives me more time to bring in more things... the idea being to constantly keep your listener's attention with a changing landscape of sounds. simply put, nothing is repeated more than it ought to be in the exact same way. you're losing our attentions because you're letting things repeat too many times or go longer than they should. there were too many examples throughout to point out but many times, one of your musical ides or phrasings is repeated for upwards of a dozen bars. don't cite the genre because the best of the genre are always engaging your interest with constant change regardless of whether you're aware of it... the most classic form of this concept is Ravel's Bolero... which doesn't just meander about, it consistently alters itself while basically playing a minute's worth of music for a quarter of an hour. that's all that's wrong with this track. the idea is good, the groove is infectious and i am entertained and i'm lucky that i am into spacing out for me to have not completely moved on to something else. i don't mean this in a bad way at all but i think you should go back and shorten some of your sections or develop them differently and more coherently... it's basic composition that i'm suggesting, is all... believe me, you should want the scenario where the audience is FORCED to rewind to hear a certain stretch of music that really excites them. that is ultimately one of the biggest compliments you can get, remember. stay succinct and direct to the point and your audience will appreciate it. otherwise this is pretty close. resubmit it, please. vectorman needs more love. NO(resub)
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