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Original Decision: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=10990

Nutritious, Lindsey Phillips

Justin Medford




Cave Story

Final Battle



Originally, after my previous rejection for this mix, I wasn't planning to rework it. I'd moved on to a lot of different mixes and was still working on my composing ability in general. Recently, though, I decided to pick the piece back up and give it another shot. I've started from scratch with both the orchestration and the drums. Guitar tone was a bit of a problem - the guitars recorded here were done on two separate occasions, in two different locations and different effects/levels (you'll notice the guitar from the second location come in around 1:35). Since re-recording them wasn't an option, I've done my best to equalize them out and roll with the idea of having dual guitars with different tone on each.


Cave Story (Game Rip) - 31 "Last Battle"

The brass and strings totally bled into sustained strings from :29-:41. The drum writing was more creative, but the tone didn't make for a cohesive texture at all, and it still didn't fill out the back enough, IMO; it effectively kills the track. I also thought doing beats nearly every quarter note for the foundation of the drums sounded simplistic and make the drum writing seem less sophisticated, BUT it could be that needing a better tone/sound is really the issue with it. I'd love for someone to give a more informed opinion there, 'cause I thought that was the Achilles heel of the track.

Lindsey's guitar work was a bit too upfront, IMO, but it was positioned OK; good power on it, and I liked the rough tone. Fairly good guitar harmonization from 1:39-2:05, which also worked very well with the string writing. Loads of legit synergy there. The string sequencing could have sounded a little more refined; was slightly mechanical-sounding in places, but was couched well in the soundscape and sounded great interacting with the other parts.

Fix the drum sound, and I think this would be clicking all the way. The arrangement was pretty solid, and while there were some minor issues with the production, you pretty much have this where you need it, Justin.

NO (refine/resubmit)


String writing had some unusual volume jumps and was a little mechanical, but for the most part, solid writing there. I love the epic intro, writing and production both. The rest of the arrangement is excellent symphonic rock, but when the guitar and drums come in, the production doesn't quite work. I don't think you need to rerecord the guitar, but it sounds too upfront, and needs to be pushed back into the soundscape a little. It covers up a lot of stuff. I agree with Larry that the drum writing is fine as is, but also doesn't sound well integrated into the soundscape. The drums have power but they sound pretty distant. Move the guitar back a little, the drums forward a little, and I think this is a pass. Close it out, Justin!

NO (resubmit)


hot - reminds me of some ol zyko songs ;)

firstly, the arrangement idea is solid as hell. i'm a huge fan of symphonic rock done without all the gaudy prog metal fanfare. this is raw and powerful but it is mixed so poorly that the orchestral elements throughout with the guitar is spaced out and thin. it needs to be meatier if it is going to compete with your biting guitars in the main mix. on their own, i like the orchestral parts a lot... sure there's a little bleeding between sections but overall, i like how it sounds given its context.

secondly, your drums are far, far in the back. try compressing them more or bringing them out by simply making them louder. not sure what you're using to do your drums but if its a sampler, mess with them.

the arrangement is fine. the production is a bit thin and the guitar is far too hans solo in the mix... it needs to sit with the rest of the boys, so to speak. and fix them drums!

and you have a winner as the playing is creative, skilled and emotive

NOresub please.

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