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Pretty good, bit unclear at times, good guitar tho - djp

Hi there, this is my first ReMix. Hope you guys like it. I Put a good amount of work into it and I am very pleased with it.

Here's a link to it:

Not sure what you want the file named as, and the server doesn't really like long filenames, so you can rename it to whatever format you use. ID3v2 tag is all set.

You can credit it to me, GuitarDude.

Also you can throw in my e-mail: GuitarDude5321@aol.com

Thanks, hope you like it!

Holy S*S**.........



lost its power at :38

got it back...




this totally needs drums, yo. Its total lack of rock drums kills the power of this song

its like the drumtrack was removed last minute.

As is, gets a YES. But WOW. make a drums version PLEASE? PLEASSE??


After being pointed out that this mix excluded a percussion element by some decision, I am inclined to agree that it is indeed an incomplete work. Note that this is only speculation and that there is no proof that the original author actually could have added drums and decided to take them out.

I am changing my vote to a NO for this reason.

Please consider adding a percussion element. There are so many people who would gladly collaborate with you on this. Please resubmit.



Great guitar work, not so great recording. This is very sticky and coarse in more than a few parts, mainly due to a lack of normalization rather than the typical rock style. If this had a kickin' drumline to boot, I'd probably have overlooked those weaknesses.

But here's the problem: the ID3 comment says that this is a "complete guitar remix, excluding the percussion." Sounds to me like a work in progress, ... unless you specifically decided to leave out the drums? If this is the former case, I'd recommend you finish your mixes before submitting them; if this is the latter, I'd have to strongly disagree with the choice made. Consider a sequenced mix that contains a beautifully notated synth lead. Can that synth carry a piece that could stand alone by itself, without any accompaniment? I think not. Every noticeable element in instrumentation is as important as the rest; the end-product is only as strong as its weakest link. I feel that you do not do justice to your guitar-mix without including equally admirable percussion.



Well I've read the other comments but haven't listened to this yet. If what Binnie stated was accurate, then I'd be inclined to agree with him that it seems like more of a WIP and should probably be completed first. But I'll take a listen first.

Well it is a bit muddy. Actually, very. And there is some nice clipping right before the 2 minute mark. Yeah I'm gonna have to agree with the majority on this one. I mean, I don't HAVE to, but they make good points, which are reinforced when I listen to this. The guitar work IS good. But the recording is very much poo-poo. The frequencies covered seem low on the spectrum with a lot of high end not being covered, which can be ok sometimes, but it makes heavy guitar sound very muffled, which isn't so bad usually, but we're talking about melodic heavy guitar, so it's not so great in this sense.

My recommendation would be to find someone who works well with processing and the aspects of arranging and sequencing that AREN'T the part that involve mad talent on the guitar. Actually the sequencing isn't so bad in this, it's more the recording. But it may be a bit close to the original, I don't know. Haven't heard it. But yeah, that'd be my thoughts. Especially if you still have the original of your guitar playing. Tweak the EQ on that, get someone to process it a good bit more cleanly, (or do it yourself, either way works) and I'd have to agree that some more drum work would make this mix fantastic. It DOES sound like a work in progress, but a GOOD work in progress. It would be nice to see a cleaner, better processed version on the front page.

For now:



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