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Hey, this is Main Finger, I notice you dont have too many megaman x

remixes... well here's one I made a little while ago. It's the music that

plays everytime you see an armor capsule:

It's called Capsule Version 2 (it's version 2 because I made a remix of it a

couple years ago that was not nearly as good). Well, I didn't set the IDE

tag because then I'd have to re-upload it and I have a really bad connection

right now. Anyway, in case you need the info again its:

Song Name: Capsule Version 2 (or if you just wanna say capsule thats fine)

Game: Mega Man X

Remixer: Main Finger

email: sakurabeta@hotmail.com

-Jesse aka "Main Finger"


Well it won't be hard to make the music sound better since the majority of it sucked for this game...

Well you've got the volume part down-packed. No need to increase that.

Ok, I know there's not much source material to work with here, but ... Gah... I don't know. It's a bit boring. I love the beat, though I'm a sucker for that sort of thing. Well, up til 2:44 anyway, then the beat becomes kind of kick-heavy. Ok I can see this working well in a club, perhaps, because of the outright simplicity, but I think it's way too repetitive and droning for a yes this time. I'd suggest going different places with it, even adding original material. You kind of have to with a source like this. Until then, though:




I wasn't really impressed with this in the beginning, but it does get better as the mix progresses. Now being a dance mix, I expect repetitiveness, but perhaps not on this scale. I haven't heard the orginal tune incidentally, and if this was an original song I would say that a melody, or lead part is missing. Sounds good, but needs more. I'm saying NO for the utter repetitiveness.


I'd say there is a rather large difference between establishing a beat

and setting up camp for a bunch of kickdrum refugees on the border of

melody and harmony, locked in a brutal dispute for decades and decades.

in this case, i feel like the red cross has run screaming, since there are

more established bass camps (HA! a PUN!) than it could ever possibly feed.

Neat idea, to make a forgetable little theme into some dance music, but

I would think building off the original line a melody, counter melody, or

maybe even a chord progression would be a little bit more worthwhile.


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