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*NO* Duke Nukem 3D 'Someone Following'


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this is really an annoying mix. it's lacking good balance, some instruments are jarringly loud. it's been a while since i've played DN3D but i remember this tune and this mix doesn't add much to it aside from annoying percussive sounds. very little development here.


edit: btw, i apparently used up all this guy's geocities bandwidth so if you can't download it drop me or beatdrop (just sent it to him) an IM or something.

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well yes I'll admit this is quite annoying. No real contrast in the volumes of various instruments. Also I don't remember this music, but I haven't played the game in years. Man, what a great game that was. Such a great game. Man, I remember being freaked out by it for hours. It had such creepy ambience and there were the almost boobs that kept me hoping maybe there was a secret section that DIDN'T have nipple ribbons. But yeah, the game was pretty good.



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