Liontamer Posted August 3, 2008 Posted August 3, 2008 "Endless Oceans" Kabukibear Justin Lincoln Final Fantasy X Besaid Island --------------------------------------------------------------- - (118) "Besaid Island" A bit thin. Recording's rather raw. All heart though, and a interpretive arrangement. The rhythmic change during 1:20-2:30 got old pretty quickly, and I felt you should have taken the arrangement in another direction from 2:59-3:23. The chorus from 3:23-3:51 retread 2:30-2:59 before the arrangement went genteel again for the circular finish. I'm gonna sound like a hater, Justin, because while I enjoy what's in place, I think this should be less repetitive. While interpretive, 1:20-2:30 ultimately dragged out due to the repetition, and should have been slimmed down. Bringing it back at 2:59 could have been cool if there had been some sort of variation; same with the chorus redux at 3:23. If the reiterations of those sections had brought something fresh to the table, this would have been golden. No need for an overhaul; again, just some substantive variations could have sealed the deal. I think you can take this to that next level it deserves. NO (resubmit)
anosou Posted August 5, 2008 Posted August 5, 2008 Didn't see this one coming, very atmospheric. You could probably master this a bit better to make it sound bigger and "closer". Try a bit of compressor (a tiny bit) and some EQ to get the frequencies just right. The arrangement is very interpretive indeed. Very cool ideas and tight playing all around. I would've appreciated a bit more expression in the playing to make the piece sound less repetitive. Because now, like Larry said, it's just not varied enough. Put in some variations of the melodies here and there, take some unexpected chord turns, maybe letting a chord or two ring out as a break between verses? Try to get a little more creative with the arrangement. What's here is good but you need to go the extra mile to realy make it shine. I'd love to see more acoustic guitar on OCR (I'm a huge Andy McKee and Erik Mongraine fan) so keep working and this and please, resubmit. NO(resubmit)
zykO Posted August 5, 2008 Posted August 5, 2008 i think this is very close. the dynamics are a little lost on the listener and that's where this ultimatly needs more attantion. production, too... it sort of hangs out somewhere in the middle of the soundfield and goes nowhere else. that said, this is still very nice. the guitar playing is great and reminds me more of billy mclaughlin than anythin else and i think with some clean compression and verb, this can be phenomenal. like larry pointed out, there's an entire minute where it just repeats itself without any variation at all and from an interpretive perspective, that can be dragging. i personally love it but i have to uphold the bar here and that needs more variation. frankly, the track is too close to call as far as YEScond. or NOresub and while i'm inclined to go with the former, my rule of thumb is that if you need to actually re-record and perform something, then it is a NOresub. i hate to do it because it's a really gorgeous piece but work on that section to bring in some variation, re-master it and kabukibear, you got yourself a bonus ball. NOresub
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