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I like it. Well mixed as far as I can tell. Progression is enjoyable and sensible, and varied enough to change before it gets old.

The higher crash cymbal was a little short and a little too loud, model it more after the one rising in, or the second crash.

Some of the sustained string notes (0:39-1:15) sound a little too synthy, especially the higher ones, see if you have another sample to use for those. The same could be said about some of the woodwinds.

Overall, there's little more than that that I could say that'd be helpful. It's a good track, as far as I can tell. I'm not gonna comment on source today, maybe someone else will. Maybe I'll revisit this and comment on that then.

Dunno what the orchestra-oriented J's would say about this, but to my less orchestral ears, it's really great stuff.


A slightly updated version is available now (Tears Of Salvation 3). I've doubled the string section via mixing violins and violas together. Also lowered the volume of some cymbals and added a new one just after the second rising cymbal. The Celesta and the Flute are louder and I've removed most of the effects on the Celesta which sounds more natural now. Oh, and I changed the Chorus from Oh to Ah. It's now a Tenor Ah Chorus.

Thx for the review Rozovian.


-Hearing a lot of low/sub bass at the beginning. I think it's low end from the drums or timpani. Try rolling off the low frequencies there. Still hearing it all the way up until the solo section.

-Instrument quality is pretty good here. No glaring problems with any that I can hear. The xylophone, though, sounds way too reverby though with too much mid-range and not enough high "click" that comes with playing the instrument.

-Flute solo and xylo are way too loud for the orchestral context.

-There are some timing issues, especially with the high strings. You might be trying to humanize the instrument, but it's unlikely a whole section of violins would be that far off of the beat at the same time. This needs to be tightened up.


Don't know the source, but I'll speak on general progression

-No real intro here that I can see, it just kinda starts with high strings on the melody with low brass supporting. Might want to start smaller and build up to the melody, or start real big with variations on the ost melody, but I don't think this currently works.

-Hmm, instrument choices. For the first half of the song, the high strings take the melody, and keep going with it. Then switch to another melodic passage, and keep sustaining with the melody constantly. This really needs to be switched up to give the listener something fresh. Get some variation on which instruments are used for melody lines, try layering instruments, call and answer, counterpoint, just something to get away from constant high string melodies.

-The violins stacking notes on top of themselves about 1/3 of the way in isn't working IMO. You'd need to use violas or cellos in lower octaves to pull off this type of thing.

-The flute solo with the xylophone/marimba/vibraphone was a good idea, but it may need some more support or counterpoint to keep it interesting. Also, both flute and xylo are way too loud in relation to the rest of the instruments.

-Transitions aren't too bad, I like how you brought the high-end strings back slowly after the flute breakdown.

-Ok, we're back again with the constant high string melody lines with other supporting things below it. Remember, you've got more instrument sections at your disposal: violas, cellos, woodwinds. Violins don't always need to carry the melody (though I admit I'm also a huge offender in this regard)

-Piano part is too basic with just some chords and a few other notes. Doesn't sound right in an orchestral context.

-Ending sounds a bit weird, honestly. It gets a little bit louder from the rest with choir and instruments, so I'm guessing you're going for a big ending. The arrangement leading up to it doesn't really build to any climax though, it just sounds like the melody line started moving a bit faster with things getting louder, then the song ends. I'm guessing this is due to the WIP nature of the piece.


Instruments sound really good on their own, but arrangement needs a lot of work. Get more variation in tones and textures, utilize more instruments, and develop some more "hooks" that get the listener into the song.

  • 5 months later...

Hey everyone!...it's been a few months now since I've worked on this song. Unfortunately it seems that I couldn't improve this remix anymore. Just got stuck.

So I decided to restart with a new arrangement and this time no orchestra. It's piano only and I'm very satisfied with it so far. Still, I would like to read some opinions before I submit the song to the judges. For those who are unfamiliar with the source, you can listen to it here:

http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/gameboy/index-af.html scroll down to Final Fantasy Adventure and listen to Let the heart sing with the melody.

My remix can be heard at FireSlash's website (thanks to you):


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