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*NO* Sonic the Hedgehog 3 'Ice Cap (Orchestral Trance Mix)'

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Hi Guys....

I didn't quite understand fully, of the requirements for this e-mail, so i apolagise for any inconvenience. But heres my track.

Game Re-Mixed - Sonic the Hedgehog 3

Level - Ice Cap Zone (5)

Program used - FL Studio 8 XXL Edition

Track Name - Ice Cap (Cj Lee Orchestral Trance Mix)

Length - 5:24

BitRate - 128kbps

Track Size - 4.95 MB (5,196,973 bytes)

Remixer Name: Cj Lee

Real Name: Gary Lee

E-Mail: Gaz32111@hotmail.com

Web-Site (HomePage) http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=509597767


I literally did search everywhere for my 'User Number', I looked in the forums, and pretty much everywhere else... But i couldnt find it. I don't know if you often get that problem, But my username itself is: cjlee

Thanks for your time, and look forward to your feedback.

Gary Lee


http://project2612.org/download.php?id=61 - IceCap Zone 1

The lead at :27 was a bit too high-pitched and sounded slightly abrasive to me. Not a huge deal. Wish there had been more melodic interpretation there, since that melody was repeated a lot throughout the track (:54, 1:23, 2:06, 3:14, 3:55, 4:37), and never changed up once, either with the writing or effects. The groove at :54 was alright, and I like that you used some padding, but the textures were fairly basic/simplistic IMO.

2:34-3:01 focused on the gliding synth pad. The layered lead at 3:01 was too loud over everything else, muddying things too much and making the track sound lossy; lasted for a quite a while unfortunately. 4:23 finally (finally) phased out that lead to clean up the soundscape a bit and head towards the close.

The arrangement was headed in the right direction, Gary. This definitely would have made it to the site in the old days 6 or 7 years ago, and that's not meant to be a backhanded compliment; the potential here was good. Flesh out the groove some more, refine the mixing, and think of ways to vary the usage of the main melody (the sound of it and/or the writing), and this would be a much more cohesive package.

NO (resubmit)


It's hard to do something different and fresh with a source that has been done to death and Ice cap certainly has been. However, speaking in terms of genre, this has been a common treatment of the source... another trance track would have to do something that is entirely fresh.

This had some great ideas, no doubt. The break in the middle is probably one of my favorite parts of the whole thing. However, just when i was about to really start enjoying it (i felt the first half was just too repetitive), I was met with more of the ice cap theme. In fact, while we're having all sorts of controversy about tracks not having enough source, there is such a thing as too much source and here, there is almost nothing other than that short iconic ice cap phrasing repeated over every conceivable stretch of texture in this track.

some of the iterations are neatly accomplished through slicing and stuttering but not nearly enough to validate repeating it over and over without bringing in fresh elements.

there is nothing wrong with being repetitive and it is not a genre bias. good trance incorporates complex melodies with a changing soundscape. this is close because the idea is good, the overall sound is good... but arrangement here is what lacks.



There are some interesting ideas here, which is tough for a song that has been remixed so many times in a trance style alone. I liked the breakdown, and I thought the melody you added at 3:01 soloed well over the original chords. Some additional variation of the main melody would have added a lot, even just changing the note lengths and volumes. The repetition starts to wear as it is. I think you can take it even farther than changing note lengths and volumes, and mess with rhythms or a note or two. There's a lot of room for interpretation there. I also felt that too many of your sounds were too standard, making the overall texture bland.

The mixing isn't great, sorry. In general, I think your leads are too loud and the entire song would benefit if you spent more time adjusting the volumes of the instruments. The arrangement is pretty standard trance, so maybe compare your song to a handful of other trance songs to get a better sense of where your volumes should be. I also think this song gets pretty cluttered later on, and EQ should be used to cut down on unneeded frequency ranges. It would help eliminate the slight lossiness you hear in the louder sections.

Seems like we've given you enough to chew on. Keep working on your music, you've definitely got potential.


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