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Perhaps this shouldn't be asked here, and if it shouldn't then feel free to move it to where it needs to go.

Now then, on to business. It has come to my attention that there is a script being used by GeofferyTaucer in #ocremix that will kick you if you use unicode in the channel. The second time, you will be temporarily kickbanned, and if you use it a third time, you will be banned, permanently as far as I know.

My question is, why do we need that? I understand atmuh was supposedly causing trouble by using the face he has become so famous for quite often in #ocremix. But, now that he is gone, why do we still need that script.

Perhaps I should have asked this in IRC itself, but this way mods and ops who are not on IRC at the moment can respond.


I've only seen the unicode script be truly problematic a couple of times, but I agree that in general unicode should be usable, since Japanese chars. can be helpful in particular.

I've temp-banned Atmuh here on the forums based on his response to the above, and will continue to do so as needed. No sympathy for any users who so continually waste site staff time.

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