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*NO* Chrono Trigger 'Schala X'


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This has some good qualities to it. other than the one piece of percussion, it does seem a bit "mono"... -djp

I'm Beanbag Skratchbob, my e-mail is dkmoser@cc.usu.edu.

The peice I'm submitting is a mix of Schala's Theme called Schala X. It can be found at


click on Schala X and right click on download and save target as. For those

who want to know, my webpage is

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Ack... bad sample loop points :(

Ok.. letse.cx.. Sounds like there is some distortion or clipping going on

in the low end.. sounds like compression artifacting on the bass or

some of the drums. Speaking of the drums, they are really dominating

alot of the dynamic range.

There are a few neat sections where stuff comes back in, but past that

there is almost no development or building... it just seems like I've heard

all there is to hear in this track after about 30 seconds. Sure, it'd work

as background music or something, but if you're going to make such a

dancehappy track, it's going to need a good bit more to show for itself.


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