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WCT - [COMPETITION OVERHAUL - NEED IDEAS] The Writing Competition Thread

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Once, I tried to paint a picture of you,

With words. It didn't work.

Somehow my colors didn't reflect your light

In just the way I wanted.

Frustrated, I tried again to master my brush

And set it to it's task,

But forcing it only marred the picture,

And that - I couldn't have.

I finally had to tell myself that I had tried

To bridge two worlds.

For my hued words were but your simile,

My painting - Your doomed metaphor.

10 days, people! halcyonspirit needs to bust out his whip again, lol.

... Hmmmmm... whaaaaat...? :sleepdepriv:


... You seem to have that under control anyway...

One week until the end of the submission stage, everyone! Chop chop!



If we include Jovian's haiku, there are 4 submissions this round, but if we don't, then.. this will be another month of overtime and hey i still need to critique those last works... i suddenly feel like a dip.

oh and 2 days left people.


like a radiant campfire, warming every heart lucky enough to feel its warmth,

like the shimmering moon, sometimes brightening the darkness, sometimes leaving nothing,

like a young kitten with a ball of yarn, completely contempt with the simple pleasures,

like a blank page, full of promise with so much to become,

like the greener grass on the other side of the fence,

as intricate as a diamond (and just as stunning),

like the first snowfall of winter, so pure and delicate,

like a flickering shadow, full of unpredictable, mysterious movements,

like the very universe itself, forever expanding its horizons and full of wonder,

like the morning dew, glistening in the immaculate sunrise,

like Christmas morning, you never know what you’re going to get,

like a yellow brick road to Wonderland,

like a perfect snowflake, beautifully unique,

as brilliant as the brightest star, still shining millions of light years away.


Well, looks like that makes four. No overtime this time, it seems.

Oh, and while the voting stage will begin as scheduled on the 1st, I probably won't be able to change the thread title or announce it or anything for a day or two afterward. I'm moving into my new apartment on the 1st, and I probably won't have internet access for a few days after that. I'll see if I can get into the design lab at my college in the meantime.

Well, looks like that makes four. No overtime this time, it seems.

Oh, and while the voting stage will begin as scheduled on the 1st, I probably won't be able to change the thread title or announce it or anything for a day or two afterward. I'm moving into my new apartment on the 1st, and I probably won't have internet access for a few days after that. I'll see if I can get into the design lab at my college in the meantime.

That gives me just enough time to whip something up!

I'm baaaaaaaaaack, from a long hiatus, and I'm happy to be here. Hope to be continuing my undefeated streak. Looking forward to reading all the submissions too!



From down under it comes

and from latin fields

from careworn hands

and two acre yields

from cracked dirt plains

lush forests green

it fills the vein

leaves teeth unclean

hot, it fills nostrils

mouths take it in

hands wrapped tight

around cups paper thin

mugs of brown joe

smooth muddy grain

gives me the buzz to

hit the road again


Bah, I finished something, but completely forgot that its now June 1st. If quasi-late submissions are allowed, I'll gladly submit. Othewrise I'll just have to wait for the next one.

In any case, I can always spectate/provide feedback this round.

Edit: I reread the criteria for said competition. I guess I'm sitting this one out. Ah well. Carry on.


I'm baaaack! Did you miss me?

This round's turnout of seven entries is the best I've seen for Poetry in recent memory (which, to be honest, isn't all that extensive for me). Looks like we got some quality works here, too, so I'm hoping to see a large voting turnout as well!

Current Submissions

for the May 2009 Poetry Competition:

A Black Soul by DJ-Arthur

Untitled Haiku by Native Jovian

If Sperm Could Fly Away by SoulinEther

Paintings by Random Hajile

You are... by wouldntyouliketoknow

Java by Washington Maverick

re...(2) by M W

  • 2 weeks later...

Final voting day! I'm severely lacking in votes right now!

I'm sorry I disappeared and didn't send out reminder PMs or anything... I've been preoccupied by my new desktop since Tuesday, and not for good reasons. I was trying to figure out and fix the downloading problem it was having (long story short, it was the integrated network hardware). Does anyone want the voting period extended to compensate for the lack of temporal awareness on my part?


I will vote. I just got back from stuff, and i'm feeling in the mind for voting.

edit: *puts on sticker*

Edit #2: I'm plugging someone's work but.. you all should definitely check out The Rose General by katethegreat19, the lyrics/poem are/is fairly impressive. Just saying.


The gloves are off, and


1st Place: If Sperm Could Fly Away by SoulinEther

Runner-Up: Paintings by Random Hajile

Here's the vote spread:

If Sperm Could Fly Away by SoulinEther: 10

Paintings by Random Hajile: 7

A Black Soul by DJ-Arthur: 2

Java by Washington Maverick: 2

re...(2) by M W: 1

Untitled Haiku by Native Jovian: 1

You are... by wouldntyouliketoknow: 1

There is quite a... bias toward two of the entries! Wasn't expecting it to be quite so lopsided. I'm not too surprised by who won, though, to be perfectly honest. If Sperm Could Fly was genuinely entertaining, and Random Hajile is one of our best poets (in my opinion, anyway). Still, it was a good showing, even the absolutely odd entry from M W.

Good job, everyone. Remember, the Freeform competition begins in just over a week, so check back then! Expect to see my return to the competition. ;-)

PS: I've gotten a few vote PMs the past couple competitions saying something to the effect of "I forget how this goes, but here's my votes anyway." People, if you forget, the rules are right there in the first post! Take a minute - and it only takes a minute! - to read them before submitting a vote! I don't want to have to invalidate votes because of technicalities.


Nice :D, thanks for all the votes guys, I've been on vacation and coming back to see this was a surprise :). I wrote that poem for the girl in my poetry group who I fancy :D. I'm glad to see people like it :).

Any critiques would be appreciated :D:D

Nice :D, thanks for all the votes guys, I've been on vacation and coming back to see this was a surprise :). I wrote that poem for the girl in my poetry group who I fancy :D. I'm glad to see people like it :).

Any critiques would be appreciated :D:D

Isn't the fact that you practically won proof enough that you don't need critiques?

Well, not on that one anyway.

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