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OCR01030 - *YES* Ninja Gaiden 'Ninjitsu Groove' *RESUB*

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This is a collaboration between SysteManiac and ProFiction (other wise known as MixMastaMunk).

MixMastaMunk submitted a remix called “Ninjitsu Symphony” and it was rejected. I took his Reason file, and did everything to it to make it sound like this. Hopefully my alterations will allow it to pass the judge panel this time, and would recommend comparing it to Ninjitsu Symphony to get a feel for the alterations.

He would prefer to go by “ProFiction” for this release.

Hope you enjoy it.



I heard this a while back.

I also heard a LOT of bitching by dan, nearly every night, for hours upon hours.. day after day... week after week... WHEN IS MY NINJA GADIEN REMIX GONNA GET ON THEH PANNEL? THIS IS SO RIDIULOUS OMFG I HATE YOU I HAT DJP I HATE EVERYONE !!!!!!!!!! OMFG IM GONNA COMMIT SUICIDE IN 2 SECONDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and so forth...

it was fucking agony.

Just to spite him, I'm gonna vote NO on this mix.


This is solid and clean techno. Lots of varied drums.. lots of varied melody, progression.

A very nice groove played out with the phaser synths. Nice accompany piano.

Only bitch I have is the awkward moment at 2:50.. seemed ... awkward.. exactly. But it fits.

No notation problems that I can see, and the mastering/compression is rather solid.


  • 2 weeks later...

It's pretty nice sounding, but there are still sections that sounded a little

too empty to me... then again i've got a pretty demanding ear.

I got a little tired of the bassline by the end, but the filtering on the end

was a neat little distraction.

Interesting stuff. Nothing that really blew me away, but enjoyable..


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