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Wassup, My name is Daniel and this is my second submission. Its from Ninjagaiden. The name of it is NinjasGarden (I have a hard time comming up with names). I never had a nes bfore cuz I had a Sega Master System at that time, but I remember going to my friends house all the time to play ninja gaiden and I loved it. This was one of the few games where the music stuck in my head as well as the gameplay.

On my first submission I said that I wanted my nickname to be Darj1, but my friend told me that it was too boring and he gave me the name Dj_Dee. So if its not too much trouble can u make it Dj_Dee? I never saw my other song show up anywhere anyway, so I dont think there will be anything that you will be changing.

The remix was made in Fruityloops 3.5. It was the first song that I made since I got my new Dell

Finally, thanks for the coo site, my fav of all time, really! Heres the link to my song

Enjoy (hopefully)

Link removed for national security reasons


Nice synthy intro.

decent starting groove.

Was afraid it was gonna be repetitive until 1:24 when that nice stylistic piano comes in.

Nice so far.

Now its starting to get repetitive again...

The synth continues to progress and change, but it doesnt hide the fact that its getting repettitive.

Nice velocity effects at 3:00.

I'm borderline on this one.

Try to kill the repettitiveness with some variation on the style/melody/progression, anything.

Just too repetitive. lack of variation from the original.



Whooo yeah. Oh yes. Yesyesyesyeysesyes.

Ok, ok. It is repetitive. But I can so see this on OCR and lots of people liking it. Yes I am making an exception here. My perogative - if the repetitiveness is that bad I will be outvoted.


  • 2 weeks later...

Nice sounds, oodles of bass, basic drumbeat, and very very very repetitious. Well, uh… the "transition" at 2:00 was some way to break things up.

Sorry, these samples aren't going to carry this one through for me. The backbone, being the progression, just doesn't hold its own.



Sounds pretty solid and all.. a little boring to my ears..

Kinda wish something happened more in it.

That little break at 2:00 is kinda neat, but it's not really executed as

smoothly as one might expect.

On about the third listen to it now..

It's got some good qualities in it, as far as being a solid and well fleshed

out dance track, but the progression just seems so flaccid to me....

I'll give it a YES because it's hard to be objective about something you

really don't like.


In essense what we have is one section of music that is slowly expanded throughout the mix. That is, a new idea is presented first by itself, and then it is incorporated back into the whole- so over time more and more instruments are being added.

This is basically just a way of disguising the fact that the form of this mix is just "A" - one section of music- and it's the reason why this piece feels repetitive.

This *really* needs a B section- something to break the monotony.

But even so- by slowly adding new instruments, you do mask the repetitiveness as well creating a little bit of forward momentum for the mix.

Eh, the repetitiveness and lack of form really makes me borderline on this. But seeing as everything else is mostly well done and overall the mix is fairly enjoyable, I'll go ahead and give it a YES

I'm sure a decent number of listeners will like it anyway.


i noticed some...harmonic irregularities in the intro. they stuck out and didnt sound good.

the bass synth gets boring really quickly. and by "boring," i mean "irritating".

there's really not a whole lot going on. pretty basic structure. the harmony is really quite simple, considering it is so akward.


you want your remix to stick out and offer something different. unfortunately, the most noticeable way this mix sticks out is with its unpleasant harmonies. other than that, it's very average and run of the mill. really not a whole lot being offered here.

and there's a lame ending.

  • 3 weeks later...

What Vig said, plus, the arpeggios don't quite match the bassline that they're supposed to be accompanying. Especially in the third and fourth parts of each pattern. Yeah, I'm thinking, listening to this, that a study in harmonization would be a good thing.

And what the hell is up with my earphones? I can't tell if this song is clipping or if it's my volume settings. It was clipping on the last song too. Oh well, I like the idea that starts out around 2:45 with the gated choir, but once again with the mismatched chords vs. bass issue we're having with the whole song. Sorry, it just doesn't sit well with me.



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