Liontamer Posted November 15, 2008 Posted November 15, 2008 Being pretty generous here paneling it, but let's get some good feedback - LT Source: "Ballad of the Windfish" Game: The Legend of Zelda - Link's Awakening Remix name: Hipfish Link: I fell in love with this song again after recently playing Link's Awakening. While still inspired, I decided to attempt and record my own version of the song. It's very jazz influenced- especially in the later sections. I tried to extend the harmony in a lot of places to add to the mood and texture of the song. Contact Info: ReMixer name: chronowarp Real Name: Matt Houghton E-mail: Website: Userid: ---------------------------------------------------------------- - Track 47 The boring/bland/droning/vanilla programmed drums are definitely the weak link and already bring this down to a quick rejection. These are just placeholders and very obviously don't get the job done. Provided you can do something interesting with those, you'd be in a lot better shape. The guitar work was pretty cool, though the arrangement of the theme was really straightforward. When the main melody is in play, it would help to do something more creative with the arrangement ideas. The material loosely inspired by the source from 2:10-3:32 wasn't bad, though there were a couple awkward spots. Those kind of sections are cool, but don't offset the Wind Fish melody being so straightforward in other places. Develop the supporting instrumentation and make sure it's cohesive and you'd be a lot closer to having a complete arrangement. Decent base so far. NO (resubmit)
Palpable Posted November 18, 2008 Posted November 18, 2008 I've always found this source very shrill. Thankfully I didn't need to listen to it much because it's burned into my brain. By contrast, this is quite pleasant. Well that's unfair, anything would be. I'll be kind enough as to say it's quite pleasant by any standard. I generally like your approach here, keeping it simple but offering substantial changes. The playing was really gentle, and your soloing added a lot. But all of Larry's criticisms are dead-on. The drums HAVE to be varied. If the song wasn't so minimal you might be able to get away with one measure of drums, but even then I'm thinking probably not. You don't need to go haywire with it, but maybe throw us some extra hi-hats, some open hi-hats, light crashes once in a while, maybe a few measures laying on the ride cymbal. You can keep the relaxed mood but still give the listener more to chew on. I also wouldn't mind some more substantial melodic interpretation, but I think you clearly made this your own piece anyway, and I'm ok with it on that level as is. Basically, fix the drums and you have my YES. NO (resubmit)
zykO Posted November 20, 2008 Posted November 20, 2008 oh this is very cool. it probably wouldn't surprise anybody that i would hear something really good in this track and almost nothing bad. however, the direction of the track is really cool. it has a sort of dub vibe mixed with a jazz thing goin to it. very organic. the guitar is a trip... its obvious you have major chops and great tonal sense but mask it with the intentionally lazy (what everybody likes to call sloppy for some reason but believe me when i say it, i know what you're doing) meandering through the major source sections... it gives it a chill vibe but it also makes it hard to follow at points (take it from a person who is almost always hard to follow). more importantly, also, is that outside of the guitar, the drums and bass are left alone to fend for themselves and it isn't fair. the drums, while very dub-like in their mechanical repetitiveness, do leave a lot to be desired. i know this is going to sound awfully narcissistic but i'm sure others could vouch for this but this sounds a lot like the stuff i used to do... with boring, mechanical, sparse drums, a sloppy bassline with some respectable guitarage on top. to be perfectly honest with you, i've had a lot of music rejected from this site because of it. as this stands, hipfish won't make it either which would be a tragedy because it is so well-written. the drums have to be re-done and the bass has to be mixed differently... maybe to be flatter, fuller... not sure if i'm being of any help. the drums need work... what you have is a click track. it honestly breaks my heart to no this but this cannot make it onto the site like this. hell, message me and i'll personally help you with this track if you want. NOresubmit
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