djpretzel Posted August 3, 2003 Posted August 3, 2003 ok how do u start this here goes well the 1st remix i sent in was ok, it was the dragon hop remix of dragon warrior a hip hop remix that i threw together REAL quick and could be alot better now. My 2nd attempted at sending something in was horrible, i didnt have a Digital Track Recorder and it was just sloppy quality so I understand fully of why it didnt get on it was just crap now that i look back at it. So the start of something, ive been comming to this site for years now, pretty much since it opened almost, just check my profile of when i joined . Now to get to the point, My new remix that i just completed has been a great experience! ive learned a good deal of new things when it comes to remixing game music and right now the Orchestra has been my thing lately, my new submission is for the BEST RPG GAME ive ever played for the Nintendo, Destiny Of An Emperor, it has some of the best music ive ever heard for a game, i always wanted to remix it but i just didnt have it way back then, But this remix ive finished now has taken me over a month to complete. I worked very hard on this, and also had pink eye during the process which really is painful, this track is really unique in its own way, its almost composed in Sonata-Allegro, which is a classical term if your not familair with it, Everything in it is almost Original, except the game music of course , it starts off with a slow half tempo of the original Palace music in the game then jumps right into the Select History Screen, and the orchestra feel in it is great IMO, I kept the Chinese Tradition going with it, then it goes to a piano solo backed with strings, which was hard to write in the chinese tradition way, after that it goes in its own creation and changes up like a Sonata-Allegro would, thats what i love about it, theres Plenty of instruments in this Orchestra Feel, i used Alot of soundfonts so feel free to ask any questions. thanks for reading, -Stevie-G- P.S. well im not going to say anymore i think i covered everything there is. you know my remixer name is Stevie-G just in case you forgot. No OUTSIDE sources used, unless u want say Soundfonts are outside sources, but i think u mean other ppl's midi files, I ALWAYS use my own creations, I love the feeling of saying i created this from scratch, and god bless the game composer for him this wouldnt be possible. and oh yea, u probably need the link lol here it is, said everything but this:
Israfel Posted August 3, 2003 Posted August 3, 2003 What's "almost" sonata-allegro? I guess they're usually found as the first movement of almost symphonies. But anyway- yeah, the arrangement is fairly nice. Sound quality isn't great, but arrangement makes up for it with some nice ideas and expansions on the original. Not jawdropping- but mostly enjoyable. YES
Protricity Posted August 5, 2003 Posted August 5, 2003 OH MANNNNNNNNNNNNN One of my old time favorite games from childhood..... OH MEMORIES>......... NOW IF THIS ISNT BIAS THEN I DONT KNOW WHAT IS!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway... I was scared to death that this would be a midi rip or at least be nothing more than the original melody. BUT NO.. its a rather epic style piano syphony. Starts out simply with the great original melodies. And then... goes into variation on the theme... excellent. Aside from the great bit of nastalgia I got from this, I enjoyed the variation and arrangement very much. KEWL. YES
Vig Posted August 5, 2003 Posted August 5, 2003 meh.... its not bad... it's quite repetitive. doesnt escalate enough, and it goes on too long. all the instruments sound awfully tinny to me. to me, this is an allright arrangement that is drawn out for too long, and sounds awfully tinny. borderline, but NO
Digital Coma Posted August 13, 2003 Posted August 13, 2003 Decent orchestral dynamics. That brings this to the borderline. What doesn’t let it cross is a bit lacking piano font (clipping doesn’t help), drums seeming to be in a world of their own, acoustic guitar unpleasantly popping in, break-in to melody after faux crescendo climax at 2:16, which really threw me for a curve and left me gasping. And then the same fake-out at 3:44? Too much. Your orchestral knowledge is evident through the harmonization, yet rhythmically this simply jogs in place, irritating in its drawn-out, yawn-inducing nature. NO
m68030 Posted August 18, 2003 Posted August 18, 2003 This one left me scratching my head. there are some really neat ideas and arranging going on in several places, but there are other parts that are just overwhelmingly confusing in execution. I think others have explained what they are hearing clearly enough, so I'll just leave my vote as NO
Malcos Posted August 24, 2003 Posted August 24, 2003 I'm kinda half and half on this mix. The arrangement is good at times, then at other times it's not so good. The overall eq is kinda weird, not liking that. The piano in particular could have been sounded better. In the last half of the mix, a repetitive pattern began to surface. This mix IMO has no 're-listenability'. NO
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