djpretzel Posted August 6, 2003 Posted August 6, 2003 Artist: Goolancer Song title: Master of Puppets Game: Secret of Evermore The music that plays during the puppet show in Ivor Tower. The remix can be found here... And no, that's not a typo in the tripod address.
Protricity Posted August 8, 2003 Posted August 8, 2003 This song seems to lack structure. The lead continues even without an accompany, a baseline, or even percussion. The song does not appear to progress, rather it goes into different sections seemingly randomly. There is way too much reverb on the guitar and trumpet. There is no real ending to this song. Work on a more structured plan for this song and perhaps add some bass/percussion to it. Perhaps you could try some strings and what not. The lead is very much alone throughout the majority of this song. NO
Israfel Posted August 11, 2003 Posted August 11, 2003 Fairly nice creepy atmosphere going on here, but the mix just never gets off the ground. It really just feels like the same idea is being played 3 times but with different instruments. And the section at 2:35 or so could really use some tempo changes, dynamics or something- it just sounds a bit too mechanical right now; there's just a certain musicality that's missing. And then the ending feels incomplete- the mix just stops basically. I really liked the beginning of this actually, but then the piece started to run out of steam. Not bad work here, but I'll have to go with a NO
Malcos Posted August 13, 2003 Posted August 13, 2003 Not bad, but some escalation is badly needed here, the mix needs an climax and it hasn't got one at the moment. In addition, I think it would have been better to end the mix with a final chord. Nice atmospheric feel and good choice of sounds. Not a big no, but still a NO I would like to see this resubmitted. With a little more work this could be a good mix.
m68030 Posted August 20, 2003 Posted August 20, 2003 I listened to this one a few times and just never really felt it got 'there'. I think the comments from other judges cover anything that really needs to be said in so far as suggestions for improvement. NO
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