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I am making probably one of the first Soul Calibur IV remixes, and since I've spent hours making character outfits alone, the Create-a-Soul music has stuck well with me. So I've decided to remix the CaS theme for all of those that have spent their time making their own SCIV heroes, recreating existing ones, or stripping down scantily clad schoolgirls o_o The remix only covers the first half of the source (so far).




Keep in mind that in the video, the music has already started, but it restarts from the beginning at 1:19.

I've spent hours ... stripping down scantily clad schoolgirls

I'm probably having one of those source-deaf moments here. Someone more familiar with the source should probably chime in on this, cuz I can't hear any of the source in this, other than the chord progression.

The writing is pretty repetitive, staple of the genre, but it could be more varied. Most of it sounds like backing. Drums are a little weak, dunno how powerful they should be for the style. I'm no fan of the ticky clicky hihat sound. Filter sweeps are cool. 1:12 should probably crash back into that rhythm, instead it just.... doesn't.

Not my style, so I can't help you much. I'd say it needs more source, more variation, and a lead, something to drive it. Good luck.


Ah, I remember you not catching the source of the Fire Emblem mix that I did. Maybe it's my remixing style. In any case it looks like I've rearranged the source liberally enough.

I'll break down the source interpretation

Everything up to 0:28 is chord progression- the bass at the beginning gives a few hints to the harmony of the source (which is the staccato strings). In the breakdown, the bass plays more of the backing harmony while the filtered saw plays some of the long notes of the melody. At 1:12 the lead synth trades places with the bass as to what part to play. At this point, the source is played again from the beginning but with more of the notes present. They are timed to fit the rhythm. 1:40, the saw synth plays those backing chords from the brass (when the music is fully fleshed out).

I agree that the hihats sound ticky especially through the last 30 seconds. As the instrument was compressed, the hihat is pronounced more as there are less instruments filling up the speakers, even though the hihat volume hasn't been changed. This is an incomplete part, so I'll be doing more with it as I continue making the remix longer.

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