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*NO* Mirror's Edge 'Edging Mirror' *RESUB*

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Original Decision: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=18901

Contact Info:

Remixer Name: Cyguration

Real Name: William Usher

E-mail address: Cyguration@vgcore.com

Website: (None)

User ID: 25762

Submission Info:

Name of the remix: Edging Mirror Intro

Name of game arranged: Mirror's Edge

Name of song arranged: Intro song

Link to the original: http://www.mirrorsedge.com/

Comments: It was such an amazing piece I thought I might remix my own version.


William D. Usher

Senior staff writer

VG Core Network

LT Edit (12/25): Here's the official video:


Still Alive - The Remixes - (01) "Still Alive (The Theme from Mirror's Edge)"

Appreciated the thematic tie-in to the game with the running SFX. The production's been tweaked to not be as muddy, which was good, though there were still some other issues.

The drums are still pretty bland and the sequencing/timing's too perfect, which didn't work for such a deliberate tempo. After the dropoff at :43, things were supposed to build to crescendo for 1:03. Instead, the energy level didn't pick up much, thanks to those drums. They were a really weak anchor for the piece, and though their presence meant to contribute to a high level of energy, I thought they hindered that. The sequenced piano harmonizing the melody at 1:04 still sounded too quantized and robotic sounding.

Not feeling the positioning of the vocals chants at 2:02. They came in way way too loud & upfront and just sound stapled on top of the soundscape. Also, the whole thing could use some boosting of the higher frequencies, because the soundscape sounded too lo-fi.

There was definitely some improvement in the overall presentation, William, but some stuff like the beefy drums really aren't clicking here, so you would need to reevaluate and refine some of the choices here. If you aren't already using the Works forum here for feedback, see what other feedback you can get on it.


  • 4 weeks later...

An improvement over the last version. Better separation of stuff, and just a more polished, full sound. I think you still have room to go though. The piece is actually too dynamic, not a problem I see very often. The difference in volume between notes of a single instruments (the drums especially) is unnatural. The intro builds sort of strangely too, with the guitar coming up in volume before the drums - it's jarring when the drums finally come up. If you can smooth that out a little, and make the piano and pizzicato strings a little less mechanical, that would solve nearly all the production issues. The arrangement is pretty much the same as last version, and I still would like to see some more action in the bass ranges, and some drums that aren't as bland. The samples there are muffled and rob energy from the song. I'm pretty much just echoing what Larry said; I'd like to see you give it another try.

NO (resubmit)


Echoing my fellow J's here. Not a bad attempt, but there's still some pretty amateur choices and execution going on. The overall mix seems a little sparse/thin as far as the instrumentation goes. The intonation on the guitar seems a little bit off, and the higher chords don't really compliment the track too well. The drums in and of themselves aren't too bad, but they don't really contribute any energy to the track. And I'll concur that there's something slightly unpleasant about the timing in certain places. And that piano is quite dry.

Not really sure what all to suggest to bring this one up to snuff, it's not bad, but it's got a lot of ground to cover. If you're stuck on the idea of submitting a Mirror's Edge remix, it might not be a bad idea to start back from scratch. Keep at it, Will. This is much better than my earlier stuff. Learn what ya can, try to keep your ears fair and fresh, and keep a really high personal standard. You'll get there.


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