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Well, I have a problem.. You see. Corporate is shutting down all there retail stores, where I work, including ones where friends of mine work at. So in about 6 weeks to 2 months. I will be out of a job, Which leads me to my question.

I have a $50 MIDI Controller. and Buying FL soon. How well would that pan out? I have Master sync on but it seems like theres a bit of lag when using it. like it wont pick up all the keys and if you use it to make fast pace notes it skipps and lags.. What can I do? Cant buy another one for some time. Or until i get a new job.

Living in a small town that could be a while.


Do you have your audio card latency turned down? If not, get ASIO 4 ALL then go to your audio settings and turn the audio buffer down until just before underruns start popping up. This'll help your latency.

Also, I don't know what master-sync does, but I don't use it.


If it's not picking up notes, that doesn't sound like an audio card latency problem. Your audio card could cause latency, yes, but unless your audio card is also a MIDI interface and you're connecting your keyboard via MIDI through it, that wouldn't affect the incoming MIDI data, only the outgoing sound.

What are the specs of your computer, and what were you trying to use to make the sound (i.e. what plugin?) when you started having dropped notes?

Did you maybe have quantize on and you weren't playing in time? If I'm set to quantize to eighth notes and I'm playing sixteenth notes, it's possible that by playing out of time, several sixteenth notes could be adjusted to the start of the same eighth note, making it appear that the notes were "missed".

If it's not picking up notes, that doesn't sound like an audio card latency problem. Your audio card could cause latency, yes, but unless your audio card is also a MIDI interface and you're connecting your keyboard via MIDI through it, that wouldn't affect the incoming MIDI data, only the outgoing sound.

What are the specs of your computer, and what were you trying to use to make the sound (i.e. what plugin?) when you started having dropped notes?

Did you maybe have quantize on and you weren't playing in time? If I'm set to quantize to eighth notes and I'm playing sixteenth notes, it's possible that by playing out of time, several sixteenth notes could be adjusted to the start of the same eighth note, making it appear that the notes were "missed".

My specs are fine, the Midi controler is usb. But whats quantize? O_o


Quantization is an auto-adjustment of the timing of notes so that they all fall on exact beats.

Say I'm recording a drum part with my keyboard and I'm recording an eighth note pattern like this: H H S H H H S H (H is hi-hats, S is snare), with bass drum kicks on the first eighth note in each group of 4. This is a pretty standard rock beat, in case you're wondering.

Well, say I play my rock beat, but my timing is off. While I may want my performance to sound more human, sounding like the drummer is drunk and has no sense of timing isn't ideal. With quantize turned off, what I play is what I get. With quantize turned on, the notes will get moved to the nearest eighth note (or, note duration of my choice), so all my hi-hat and snare hits will line up perfectly.

What I was suggesting earlier is that if you have quantization turned on, your sixteenth notes might be forced to line up to the nearest eighth note, which would make it sound like some sixteenth notes got dropped when in reality, they just got shifted so that two or more notes were recorded at exactly the same time.


So did you try any of this? Did it fix anything?

I just got a KeyStudio and latency is killing me. I've tried ASIO4ALL and the Micro audio interface that comes with it, but it seems like there's at least a good 100ms of lag no matter what I use.

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