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Contact Info:

Remixer Name: Cyguration

Real Name: William Usher

E-mail address: Cyguration@vgcore.com

Website: (None)

User ID: 25762

Submission Info:

Name of the remix: Liquid Rooftops Remix

Name of game arranged: Mirror's Edge

Name of song arranged: Still Alive

Link to the original: http://www.mirrorsedge.com/

Comments: Edging Mirror (my first submission) wasn't a track that seemed like it could ever become what I wanted from it. Instead, I took a lot of the judges' advice, messed around with some new drum patterns and tried mixing up the melody some more. This song is loosely based on Paul Van Dyk's 'Still Alive' remix, which is part of the Mirror's Edge video game soundtrack. Hopefully, this is my final remix from anything Mirror's Edge related.


William D. Usher


Still Alive - The Remixes - (01)

The drum patterns got tired pretty quickly. It makes it seem like there's practically nothing else going on with this track. There was some slight variation, but otherwise the drums didn't lend any energy to the piece at all, a similar problem to the previous Mirror's Edge sub. That kind of problem will kill nearly any track.

The other instruments sounded better. I know your piano sequencing was lacking for your previous sub, but piano tone sounded much more natural this time around.

More dynamic contrast and drum variation, please. This kind of pacing never changing for 5 minutes is asking a lot. :-)


  • 2 weeks later...

I thought it was an improvement over your previous sub production-wise, but still had its problems. Even for a reflective, atmospheric piece, this is very static, with the drum pattern holding the same for most of it and a lot of the instruments playing very simple parts. I think more detail in writing or effects would liven this up. It doesn't have to necessarily stand out, it can be subtle. The drums also didn't suit the song too much. The rest of the instruments sound solid and lock together well, very nice work there.

Sometimes it's as simple as that. I really liked the mood crafted here and it's an interesting take on Still Alive, but it needs a little more work.

NO (resubmit)

  • 1 month later...

More dynamic contrast and drum variation, please. This kind of pacing never changing for 5 minutes is asking a lot. :-)


Also, the occasional (heck, or frequent) use of transitional fx (swishes, scrapes, buildups, drops, rises, booms, bangs, swells, chimes, rev cymbals) all that good stuff can really polish all the sharp edges down to something a little smoother and less mechanical.

I liked the synth pad textures, and the overall sound at ~4:15 or so, but all in all, go back to larry's comment. still sounds a little WIP-ish at this point.

Not bad, though, just needs more elbow grease.


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