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*NO* Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 'Dance of Storms' *FT* *RESUB*

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djcubez says he's been waiting a while...

You've had this mix before from me but I cleaned it up

a bit and added some stuff. Credit goes to djcubez, I

have a chrono trigger mix already. The song is Zelda

Ocarina of Time (zelda64) Dance Of Storms. My email

is djcubez@hotmail.com .

Thank you, if there is anything I missed, feel free to

ask. Keep up the good work guys!



I've never heard so many anti-clmaxes in a song, the /32 snares build up.... and.... no. When it finally happens you appreciate it more. I'm loving the pitch bends on the saw synth, although I thought the kick drum could have done with a bit more ooomph.

I'm not liking the stringy sounding solo, but apart from that, this mix is memorable and has character.



I have no problem with your concept of build and layout. I do have a problem with taking a song that is already so simple and making it even more simple. To the point of being musically boring. The bass switches between two notes throughout the entirety of the song. The accompaniment does the same two arpeggiated triads repeatedly. There's so little in the original, and I honestly feel you could have played with the source material SO much more. I'm usually a stickler for chord progression but with something this simple, I generally encourage trying new things (so long as they fit and are aurally pleasing. The solo section that starts just a bit before 4:00 sounds like randomly selected notes. I'm not a big fan of the builds and decays that have been used as I feel they don't really satisfy the listener once the builds have reached their climax, but that may border on subjective. The rest, though, is way more than I would require to reject, so:




This, to me, is a perfect example of cookie-cutter techno.

Like Dan said, this is oversimplified. There's rarely more than two notes being played at the same time, and the beat frequently drops out altogether. the extent of the harmony is: Bass play quarter note offbeat for 2 bars, bass play quarter note offbeat one step down, repeat.

the first two minutes are a complete waste. nothing happens. i dont get it. just when it almost starts to build up, it cuts out completely. okay. everything repeats way too many times before moving on.

i really dont need to hear your bass taking a one-note quarter note solo for fifteen seconds at the beginning.

it takes too long to move on, and then it doesnt go anywhere.

what is with this solo lead at 3:30? isnt techno supposed to have a beat? and isnt music supposed to have harmony?

wait, when did this song end? it's just not on anymore.

this needs some serious development. it is empty.



This is an unusually empty piece. There are several sections where I just have to wonder if some of the tracks were accidently muted.

Plus the form of the piece doesn't really work in my opinion. You basically have several "build-up" sections in succession. Numerous times you have a solo instrument going and slowly things build until that idiomatic techno drumroll comes in- it happens too many times and just becomes overly predictable.

The real killer though is just the overall simplistic, empty nature of the mix.



This song feels like eating a rice cake.

Its definately food, but lacks any taste.

The main problem here ofcourse is that this is little more than a minimally arranged original tune.

The subset problem would be that no more than one or two musical instruments are ever active at a time. This song is in dire need of some real arrangement love. Better bass, an accompany, anything.


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