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This sounds like cloud on crack.

the drums are frantically banging away at "THE" techno beat... quater kick, upbeat hat and it NEVER changes. it's like a charicature of itself.

the melody doesnt fit the frantic groove. there are spastic synths throughout, added apparently in order to give me a headache.

mission accomplished.

the times where there is any harmony to speak of, it is ridiculously simple, and it will often fall a bar or two behind the melody.

and the synths are generic and uninteresting.

This mix just sounds really sloppy and really amateurish.


  • 2 weeks later...

Once the main melody line came in at around 1:24 or so things started

to look up a bit for this one, but I still can't get over how static the

whole thing feels. The flow of the choral type pad in the background is

nice, but the rest of it just feels too boxy. The arp line is really getting

to me also.

It's just not really... well.. going anywhere. The change few changeups

are very welcome, but it's just not saving it for me.

on the upside, it does sound pretty damn clean and crisp. just work on

the arrangement.. that's what kills it.



Whats the deal with every song of this kind following the same exact arrangement pattern?

Is there like some program setting it up with fill in the blank melodic riffs?

There are a lot of melodic issue thats should be addressed here. Lots of notes playing over into the next chord progression. Sound ugly. Aside from that, this is a simplistic dance rendition of the original without anything significantly different, so



I found this to be a rather boring, flat mix. The sounds were nice, but the whole thing was so background and uninspiring. The bit I do really like about the mix is those pad chords near the end, but the rest of the mix could do with something to make it stand out.


These needs more effort in terms of arranging, needs more character. Resubmit please.

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