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OCR01878 - *YES* Final Fantasy 4 'Survival Instinct'

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Artist: Audix

Game: Final Fantasy IV (Also reused in Super Mario RPG)

Song: Fight 2 (Also SMRPG: Battle with Culex)

I was fortunate enough to slide onto the fantastic FF4 project fairly late in the game with one of my favorite sources still available. I took some creative liberties with the intro, slowing it to half time and bringing out the string triplets in a style similar to Pendulum's "Slam." The source left plenty of room for harmonic development, with the bass easily being the most interesting part to write. Overall, it's my usual foray into my favorite style of music to write. Enjoy!


http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=ff4 - "Fight 2" (ff4-13.spc)

I thought the supporting bowed strings first used at :11 sounded unrealistic, but were enough in the background that they weren't exposed as much as they could have been. The piano used at 1:33 also sounded unrealistic, but again was reasonably couched in the soundscape. I could also take more issue with the pizz strings at 2:01, but they sound good enough even for pro work, so F it.

The arrangement was pretty solid, even though I thought the high-tempo, big beat approach now came off as more formulaic and cookie-cutter in the wake of his previous Banjo-Kazooie "Malevolent Mansion" already using a very similar approach and feel, even using practically the same drum patterns. I can understand having/enjoying a style, and this gets the job done, but go for something more distinctive in the future.



Sticking to a style is ok with me. I remember JJT again and again trying to force me to not do the strange electrofunk thing but funk that!

Anyway, solid stuff this. The arrangement is (when it get's started) quite close to the source structure but VERY embellished so I can definitely ride with that. The strings were a welcome element overall but they, at times, sounded a bit fakey. No dealbreaker though. Good dynamic shape in this too with the filtered break, keeps it from going stale. The counter-melodies to the arranged version of the source melody after the break were awesome! More stuff like that.

Production was sweet with some fantastic creative fx and modulation. The piano was a bit unrealistic but it was minor imo since, like Larry said, it was fairly crouched in the soundscape. I really don't have much to complain about here ;)

Overall, I dig. Good stuff. The project will be awesome!



Probably my favorite battle song in the FF series, and you did a number on it. I liked that you took risks with the harmonic and melodic detours instead of going with something easier that just accompanies the original melodies. Combined with the smorgasbord of weird sounds and effects, this has the sound of an haywire haunted carnival. Truly madcap.

This is similar to your Banjo sub in style and mood, but hell, if it ain't broke... I think it has its own differences, but I wouldn't mind seeing you tackle something totally new next time around.

Production is very good if a little overstuffed, wouldn't expect any less from you at this point. Could have been a DP.


  • 2 months later...

Nice slam style intro, perhaps a bigger build up into the main beat would've been nice, but whats there is fine really. Lots of original ideas peppered over the source, and some nice beats. As noted, the modulation and fx are both strong. Pretty solid production considering the variety of instruments. Ending was a touch weak but again I guess there's nothing wrong with it.

Not much to say really, arrangement and production both solid, in a kooky way.


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