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OCR01075 - *YES* Hitman: Codename 47 'Chained to a Barcode'

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Hey to judges Danforth through Hawthorne.

Here's my latest remix, I'm not sure when in the wait line it'll go, since one of my mixes was moved up, but anyway...

This is a remix of the menu, main theme from Hitman: Codename 47. That's the one with the badass bald guy who sounds a bit like Chirstopher Walken in hell ("This place seems quiet. Where... do I go... for some action?!") The mix is done mostly orchestral style, with some techno thrown in; it's all got a kind of poignant, determined feel to it, because I figure if I killed people all day I'd have to be pretty plagued by guilt, and pretty determined... but Hitman says it better himself in the mix. Here's the info:

Title: Chained to a Barcode

Game: Hitman: Codename 47

Remixer: Rayagon

Email: aaron_matteson@hotmail.com (feel free to show it)

Anyway, here's the link:

Just save the link and you should get 3:51 of pure Hitman.

Thanks, and see you all on the flipside.


Some weak points where we only have strings and drums. Those

strings just don't carry themselves that well. They work pretty good

for background support, but strip away whats on top and they get pretty

flat sounding.

Neat percussion, though. The various incidental elements really fill this

track out at times. My only concern is that by 2:16 I'm only just now

starting to feel elements that tie it together.. common themes and the

like. With something as theme driven as 'orchestral', or 'techno', I'd like to

be hearing a bit more motif driven.

And a final comment on the voice sample... it's just too dry. It doesn't

need reverb, or any of that special effects garbage.. it just needs some

sort of treatment so it's not as "HI!!!!111 I"M A VOIE OVER~~!~" all of the

sudden. That might be as simple as lowering the volume and panning it

just a hair off to one side, or you might just resample the entire

monolouge with someone else reading it... I dunno.

It's not a bad little track, definatly better than most of the other stuff i've

listened to in this judging session. While I think it could use some

improvements, I'll look to your next remix for growth.



Having played with artificial strings alot--

--The attacks for the strings are really slow. So when you have notes faster than, say, a half-note, there's a really noticeable drop in volume, which is like a giant pointer saying, "OMG, these are fake strings! CALL DA PO-PO". It's not a glaring flaw, but it is something to keep an eye on in future string pieces.

Also, I'm not a huge fan of the delay effect on the piano, as it makes the sound muddy, and clashes with nearby notes. Again, not a huge problem insomuch as what I consider a slight design flaw.

And *wham* it sound clip time! Making it softer with a slight reverb might lower it's sudden shock. It's a very sweet quote, and I think it deserves the time to be put in more effectively. But enough jibbah-jabbah. I really, really like what I hear. That garners you a solid


p.s. I wuz not a fan of Hitman 2, but it's soundtrack was ass-tinglingly good. DO DAT NEXT. KTHXBYE.

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