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*NO* Chrono Trigger 'Arpegi-robo'


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Dear djpretzel,

I've never made a submission before, thus I have no idea really what I should be saying in this e-mail. However I did read the FAQ on submission guidelines, so here I go:

Name/Handle: The Complacent

Web-site URL: http://www.mp3.com/thecomplacent

E-mail: huicj@usc.edu

URL to mp3:

Okay, well that covers everything in the guidelines...uhmm..hope you enjoy the ReMix! And also on a side-note, I love OverClocked ReMix! hence I wanted to be a part of the site by submitting this. Well then, anyway, feel free to give me as much constructive criticism and/or feedback as you like, I'd rather appreciate it actually.

- The Complacent (Chris)

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hmm...what sticks out to me is that the piano sounds unnatural, mainly because it's too fast. then the hit things sound terrible. just doesnt work. too dry, perhaps. the string melody isnt prominent enough. bring it out, and consider not using a string patch. ack..there's that dry ugly stab hit thing again.

it's an interesting mix, but it seems to me that you dont really have a knowledge of how the instruments are actually played. that piano part would not be played at a million miles an hour, and the string would not be used to play the lead in this situation.


ending doesnt make sense.

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The piano's release is too great causing the notes to meld over eachother.

Very week in the middle section. The harp leads don't even follow the strings correctly.

This song does an excessive amount of repeating. Though there is variation, frankly it isn't very good. As for the rest of the song, its progressive layering. There isn't much changeup, just the layers turning on or off (and sometimes not fitting with eachother at all).

The ending is rather weak.


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Sounds like you just took the original chords and auto-appregiated them. That'd at least explain the random lack of harmony between them and everything else.

Besides that, Jesse said it right; even considering that this is a robot theme, the piano, strings, and harp sound horribly artificial and unnatural. Not good. I like the drums though, for what it's worth.


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