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sup everyone

this is the first of four songs for my concept album titled "breath of the seasons." i was really inspired to write this from reliving childhood nostalgia and the sensation of riding a bike on a breezy spring day. the particular setting i envisioned was a rural/suburban japanese town as depicted in various anime like five centimeters per second. anyway, it would be great to hear your thoughts and get any sort of feedback/critique. thanks for your time and happy listening!

v2: stats.png

v1: stats.png


Yeah wrong forums. Admin can you put this in the Original WIP forums please? Thanks.

Anyhoo, may as well comment since I'm here. Piano sample is real nice, if you said it's live played I wouldn't have batted an eye. I like the slow somber feel that transitions to an upbeat melody with drums. I like the low piano notes a lot, they're a nice touch. Very good interaction with the drums to the song, they don't sound like they've just been glued to the track like a lot of digital music these days. This is pretty professional sounding, in my opinion. It's pretty good, especially when the synth lead comes in. Good job.


I think the piano sounds nice as well. It's a bit thinned out though, lacks a little bass in my opinion.

When the beats starts it really takes off. Haha, when I hear this song, I can imagine Nico from GTA 4 running away from the cops during spring with a big smile on his face lol I don't know why this came to mind! Guess I've played too many games lately.

Anyways, perhaps you could add some more Reverb to your drums. The snare should be thicker. And maybe vary the velocity on your hi hats, they sound a bit robotic at the moment I think, kind of nag into my head as the tune progresses.

The melodies are very nice, make me feel good in my gut.

I feel a slight asian touch from your choice of tones at times. Like on the Synth solo, the backing reminds me a lot of Asian culture.

Very nice synth samples. Unusual length on the track, not many people make long tracks like this in this kind of style, I'm impressed by that :)

Keep on composing man! Lots of talent here. It may be wrongly posted, but to be honest, if you didn't post it here, I wouldn't hear it. So thanks for posting wrong lol.


thanks for all the feedback and compliments! i suck at posting in the appropriate board (i just saw the non-wip board), sorry :P

reason's piano refills are really high quality, at least from what my noob producer's ear can tell. the production values are really low in this song, but then again that's nothing new for me lol.

i'm glad you picked up on the somberness; i was going for nostalgia and nostalgia is always somewhat melancholy for me. thanks for the compliment on the drums; my drum lines are usually really mundane, and while these were far from good they were at least half-decent.. lol. originally i was trying to go for that sugar-rush kirby-esque happiness but it eventually turned into something i took seriously. as far as an oriental flavor goes, each of the tracks is supposed to represent a season from a fictionalized japanese perspective.. so, thanks for the thumbs up!

here are the changes in v2:

- boosted low band cut on the piano from -20 to -10

- lowered snare pitch

- added more reverb to the drums

- randomized hi hat velocities

- attempted to balance volumes for individual drums

- balanced velocities for ending to soften harmony

- redid piano intro

link: stats.png

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