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Which software to use?

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Hello everyone this is my first post so i apollogise if my questions have been asked before, i am new to mixing so any help would be greatly appreciated.

I have never made a mix before but i have been listening to OCRemix's for years and would like to give them a go. Hopefully one day i will be able to make them good enough to post on the site.

Which software should i use to create mixes in? I have had a fair amount of experience with cubase and an extremely small amount of experience with fruity loops.

I dont have an electric piano that i could connect to my pc so is there any virtual keyboard software out there that i could use instead?

Im sure i will be able to find tutorials all over the internet and youtube to help me but i need your help choosing the software to start with. Something user friendly and also the virtual keyboard. Thanks

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If your experienced in Cubase and you like it, use Cubase. If you don't like it, look at FL (as you already have that, as well).

I use Reason and others also use Reaper (which I plan on looking into, btw, 'cause it's free :P), and still others like sonar. It really is a matter of personal taste - users on this site have made all sorts of programs work for them, so chose your DAW based on what feels right for you. With time and practice you'll get it sounding like other well produced music on this site.

By the way, if you have specific questions on the particular DAW your using you'll probably get better feedback than this - it's hard to answer a subjective question like the one given here :-x.

Sorry if I couldn't help you with the virtual keyboard - it's something I don't use. I just input everything via mouse. I've learned to do it pretty quickly, so don't shy away from that method.

Further elaboration on this, Zircon is pretty explicit on this particular topic in the 'READ BEFORE POSTING' sticky above... Here's his advice for you...

* If you have a general question about ReMixing, such as "Where should I start?" or "What keyboard should I buy?", first review the Guides & Tutorials subforum. This subforum serves as a permanent database of knowledge; you may find that many of your questions have already been thoroughly answered in the threads there!

Oh, and PLEASE don't use so many question marks in the topic title - it REALLY deters people from helping you.

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