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So my dad gave these to me. I don't know how they sound but he says they sound really good which I can believe him because he used to do dj'ing and make his own mix tapes back in the day so he has an ear for this type of shit. My question is though, from the pictures of the connections in the back, what kind of setup would I need to use these with my computer system?

I'm using the EMU 1212M soundcard if that helps. I have an idea of what I can do but I want to hear other peoples ideas before I blurt out somethin stoopid lol xD.


well, it's hard without knowing what kind of monitors they are and thus, not being able to know whether they are passive or active monitors.

I'm just gonna guess based on the fact that there is simply wires coming out the back, that they are passive monitors, which would mean you'd need a power amp to get any sound to them.

It'd go like this:

1/4" cable from soundcard to power amp, power amp to monitors. A lot of power amps (depending on the one you get) will have connections for bare wires like yours that have the little twist on clamp style, 1/4", XLR, or possibly even banana clips....it'd just depend on what one you got.

So sorry to say, at the moment you wouldn't be able to just take it from your soundcard to those monitors.

(Pretty sure anyway)


Yes, you need an amp, and the cable advice is correct, too. Any hi-fi component amp could do the job provided that you don't screw up the impedance - I've been using an Akai hi-fi amp when I still had my Alesis Monitor One MKIIs.

As for sounding "good" - well, monitors are supposed to sound "honest", first ;). The condition of these (the centers of woofers aren't supposed to go inside like that, it ruins the cone) doesn't really shout audiophile studio sound to me, though.

before I blurt out somethin stoopid

You were doing fine, and then came

lol xD.



Yeah I knew I wouldn't be able to use em right away I just wanting to figure out what I needed to get to use them but now I know thanks guys =). And about the center parts, how much do you think the sound will be affect by that?

Edit: I did a little bit of research and I found out the dust caps do just that, keep the dust from entering the inner magnets, which is why my dad continued with using these I'm sure he coulda poked em back out or somethin but he probably didn't want to risk actually screwing up the sound of 'em just my guess I'll have to talk to him about that.

Yeah I knew I wouldn't be able to use em right away I just wanting to figure out what I needed to get to use them but now I know thanks guys =). And about the center parts, how much do you think the sound will be affect by that?

Edit: I did a little bit of research and I found out the dust caps do just that, keep the dust from entering the inner magnets, which is why my dad continued with using these I'm sure he coulda poked em back out or somethin but he probably didn't want to risk actually screwing up the sound of 'em just my guess I'll have to talk to him about that.

yeah, I was about to say, even though it doesn't LOOK pretty (doesn't matter when we're all about sound right!?) the dust caps poked in shouldn't effect sound at all.

Regardless of that though, they do look pretty beaten up which would beg the question how well they will actually perform. Most of it looks like aesthetic casualties, not so much something like a big tear in the speaker or something like that, but who knows...guess you won't until you get them jammin.

well, monitors are supposed to sound "honest", first ;
Exactly. Monitors should have a flat response. What sounds "Good" is all subjective. Where in your room your computer is located, where these speakers will be, etc..etc.. will change the sound greatly.

If you're like me, and the only place to have your computer is in a corner, then you're going to hear stuff VERY bassy as a result. Things to think about.

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