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Song Title: Home Again

Artist: ColinDoody


Website: www.colinsrealm.com


This IS my first submission. My name is Colin Doody, and I guess my nickname is ColinDoody. Ive done all sorts of junky music for a long time and finally worked up the guts to submit a piece. If this isnt accepted , than I will be sure to work harder and then you will be hearing from me again in a few months =) I actually work as a game developer with HonourBound Ltd. and am attending the Rochester Institute of Technology. Although I am a modeller by profession and an IT student by major, music composition has always been my hobby and I have written songs for some games, including Adellion and others.

Anyways- thanks for listening. Its not great but hopefully you'll like it.

Colin Doody

Adellion Architectural Modeller




umm, thanks for giving us your life story?

ooh, nice filtered drums and stereo delay. groovy... now where's the big beat drop... ok, no beat drop. where's the build... ok no build... now where's the improv section, there it is. c'mon i just KNOW it's going to get really big at the end... oh no that sounds like the ending cadence. darn.

if this built somewhere it might be interesting, it has a cool groove but the lack of development gives it little to offer to the listener.



The best thing about this mix are definitely the effected drums. The rest of it doesn't really stand out in my opinion. The instrumentation, sound blending, mixing and production are decent.

You did a good job expanding the theme. However, several of the new additions feel a little meandering and weak. Average mix, but as also noted by others, it feels very static as a whole.



you know what note I don't like? The one at 1:04. The whole song is mostly improv, actually considering how simple the original melody is and how this deviates pretty far from it. This might pass as background music for a game in like, a shop scene, but it's not very good as just listening music, quite honestly. I think that's my biggest gripe. It sounds more like a sound track rip than a song.



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