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A silly question, perhaps, but I was kind of surprised to see nothing about it in the FAQ:

Is there any general rule regarding the non-commercial usage of the music on OCR? Burning them onto CDs and subsequently selling them without contacting the original authors would be rather vile, obviously, as would be claiming author credit for something one didn't create. What about playing them at a dance with no admission fee? Or a dance with a cover charge?


I believe the policy is to ask the remixer, and mention the origin of the song (ocremix.org) in addition to the remixer's name and the original composer. Basically, don't play it without crediting the right people.

I'm not 100% sure about this but last I heard that was the policy here.


Almost :3.

As long as you credit ocremix and the remixer (as long as it is reasonably easy to do so) you don't have to ask anyone. Where visible/audible credit isn't reasonable, answering public enquires is fine.

End of part B)http://www.ocremix.org/info/Content_Policy

edit: that said most people would probably like to hear that their remix was used anyway, I know I'd be happy to find out someone liked it enough to play it somewhere.

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