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Alright, this was actually a request for a friend of mine for his birthday since he really loves the Pokemon series. At first I was thinking of doing some kind of medley with Hearthome City, Route 209, Solaceon Town, and Route 210 in one, but scrapped the last two and just put the first two together into one song. So far, on another site, many have loved this piece and said they love this song more than most of the songs on the actual games. So I decided to put it up here for any feedback the OCRemix users can provide.



you should post the source too. Don't know about anyone else, but I certainly don't know the pokemon music.

Your piece sounds quite good. Very good production quality and sounds like it could probably be right in there with the game.

I definitely have an appreciation for music like that, because honestly I don't think I could make it myself and what you have here is put together really well.

you should post the source too. Don't know about anyone else, but I certainly don't know the pokemon music.

Your piece sounds quite good. Very good production quality and sounds like it could probably be right in there with the game.

I definitely have an appreciation for music like that, because honestly I don't think I could make it myself and what you have here is put together really well.

Thank you for your comment and taking the time to listen.

As for the source, I don't know where I can find one because when I made this, I was just listening to the music from the game over and over again, trying to pick out the right chords and stuff, even though it's not in the same key, but again, thank you. ^^


My two most favoritest Pokémon D/P/P ever!!! I quite liked this y'know. I think there was definitely enough variation from the source and the two tracks worked together really well. Cool ending.

Hrmm. I think there was a bit much reverb on the strings... And I wasn't a fan of the drums, I think I wanted something more prominent. I dunno, was there much in the low ranges? More bass. It needed more of a kickass bass part rather than working in simple crotchet beats.

Overall liked it. Mind you, I did kinda prefer the original Hearthome chords. Only because I'm a sucker for chord sequences with a decending chromatic note... ^^ (Like in 209)

Oh and here's some source



Route 209:


My two most favoritest Pokémon D/P/P ever!!! I quite liked this y'know. I think there was definitely enough variation from the source and the two tracks worked together really well. Cool ending.

Hrmm. I think there was a bit much reverb on the strings... And I wasn't a fan of the drums, I think I wanted something more prominent. I dunno, was there much in the low ranges? More bass. It needed more of a kickass bass part rather than working in simple crotchet beats.

Overall liked it. Mind you, I did kinda prefer the original Hearthome chords. Only because I'm a sucker for chord sequences with a decending chromatic note... ^^ (Like in 209)

Oh and here's some source



Route 209:


Oh yeah. Duh! I forgot about how you can practically find everything on youtube XD

But yeah, since I was going for a more orchestral feel, I wasn't intending for and kick basses and whatnot, but just a tympani and common snare. I do like bass for a lot of music, but, in my opinion of orchestral music, I don't want the bass too loud, otherwise it will swallow up the main melody and harmony of the music.

But anyway, I am glad you liked this piece. Thank you for your comments ^^

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