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This is actually pretty good for what you're going for. It could definitely benefit from maybe a boost in the highs, as evidenced by my Winamp EQ, but yeah, your mixing is fine.

Its almost too clean though. I kinda expected more gain and slash to give it more energy. Consider using a rock organ for chords to give it more feeling.


lol ive never known of a thrash metal song with an organ. unless it's a church organ, maybe.

i could try and boost the highs i guess. i'll give that a go.

i know all about gain, but what do you mean by slash?

This is actually pretty good for what you're going for. It could definitely benefit from maybe a boost in the highs, as evidenced by my Winamp EQ, but yeah, your mixing is fine.

Its almost too clean though. I kinda expected more gain and slash to give it more energy. Consider using a rock organ for chords to give it more feeling.

Definitely a nice boost in the highs starting with the drums to help bring out the snare and cymbals a bit more. Also, your snare seems a bit dry. Try adding some reverb to help that out. As for the leads starting at 1:49 or so would be another area to increase the highs and lower the lows on the EQ. Nice soloing by the way, it really fits in nicely with this track.

Other than EQ probs, this is an awesome track and right up my listening alley. I do a lot of recording for my own stuff, and it usually turns out to be a mix of power metal and thrash.

Looking forward to hearing more from you!


thank! haha this is funny cause that seems to be the main issue is the highs. gotta have more highs. i wonder if my logitech 5.1 systems needs tweeking cause more highs seem to be a bit much, IMO.

as for the snare, i dunno. i like the snare as is. but also, Superior Drummer doesnt seem to give me the option of reverb on any single drum piece. only FL or Audition do for the entire drum track. and adding more reverb on the whole drum track may be overkill.

thanks for the feedback, ppl!


Some thrash bands will use some kind of apocalyptic chorus synth sometimes... it's definitely good as is, but the guitars could sound more ferocious. Solo is sick. Damn skippy. The drumming could be more aggressive and faster in general. Vocals are a must. Depending how good/crazy the vocals are, though, the song could probably stay as is. Vocals go a long way. Nice work so far.

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