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Reworked Remix here:



Hi all, it's been a long time since I've attempted a remix. Anyway, I was trying to get some ideas for an original project down, but it ended up turning into a remix for the Red Soil Swampy Area from Super Metroid. It's pretty much "complete" but I wanted to get some ideas before trying to submit it.

You can find it here:


Just hit the play button in the upper left corner. There's an alternate version where I did not include a bassline that seems to stand on its own merit somehow. I was thinking of submitting one of them, but then saw yet another remix of the same track not too long ago, so I thought I'd wait a bit.

I do take some liberties with the source material, but I don't think I deviate too far out.

Let me know whatcha think!



I like it.

As far as a version without bassline standing alone. I've seen some minimalist feel versions of red soil that work out very well for some reason. I do like the version with the bassline better though.

The string lead gets a little old for me being 5 minutes long; maybe change it at some point, either move up an octave, or change instruments. I always think string harmony is a great sound that the violin is out there alone most of this song. It could also be that I'm listening to it looping while I write this :arrow:


Wrong reason to not submit. :D It takes a while before your submission is evaluated and judged anyway, and djp posts the remixes when he feels like, so some of them sometimes end up spending a year in wait. :(

To me, this seems like it's stuck between styles. You have a synth soundscape, whatshallwecallitnormal drums, and violin. The individual tracks, especially the synths, don't sound mixed right imo, they sound too wide and not focused enough. You could probably mute the other tracks and make a cool mix out of jsut the synth elements, then add the drums, make whatever changes to the mix you need, then add the strings, and mix that in. It sounds like they're just stacked on top of one another, not really cut to fit.

Dynamically, it's kind'a flat. it gets up to a pretty nice level but then stays there for the whole track. imo it needs more variation, be that another lead, a breakdown, a big orchestral grand finale, a chiptune section, a key change... something.

There's also something about the file quality bothering me. Use 120 kbps, less than that makes the quality noticeably low. If you don't have any control over the rate it's streamed at, put it somewhere we can download it. Not a big deal now, but it would help the critique.

It also sounds like the violin doesn't quite belong. With the right work, it could probably be made to fit better, but it's soft and dynamic, whereas the rest of the track isn't. Dunno if that means you should rewrite the backing or use a lead more fit for the backing, but it bothers me.

Some of the melodies sound a little arbitrary (eg the synth pluck melody at 3:30 left of the track). There's also some timing issues with that instrument sometimes. Sounds like you've recorded it and not really gone over and corrected stuff like that.

btw, if I hadn't been looking at the playlist when the track changed from one version to the other I wouldn't have noticed that it ended. That's a problem.

All this being said, I have no doubt you have what it takes to turn this around and make it awesome. Currently, I'd call it messy. Sorry if this all seems overly negative, I'm actually surprised myself how long and this post got and how many problems I found.


Yep, I have a feeling some of that may be how t61 handles the file uploads. I've had some others in the past which after upload ended up being a bit...erm...less than stellar in the dynamics department. I'll take a look at it though, I have a feeling I may need to back off on the limiter a tad. The mix is a bit spaced out, but I was aiming for a somewhat large spacious feel, what with the area reminding me of large mine shafts.

I'll play around with it a bit when I find time though, and see if I can tweak a few things. I had a feeling the violin would get shot down though, I'll have to do some experimenting with leads I guess. I'm not sure if I can make the background pads anymore dynamic. As for the plucked sound, that's actually part of the synth, it just has a bit of an attack if you staccatto the note, so it sounds like a pluck. I can see about smoothing it out a bit though so it doesn't sound arbitrary.

But yeah, I'll see what I can do. The original file that was uploaded was at least 160kbps if not 192. That I can guarantee. I think just the way t61 handles mp3s is kinda like the radio station and the way some of them like to compress a track that's already had the life squashed out of it. But like I said, I'll look into it. Thanks for the crits.



It's not the pluck that bothers me, it's the notes.

As for dynamics, drop out the drums sometimes, automate the cutoff on the synths, do a low pass or high pass sweep on the whole mix, something. Just making pads more dynamic isn't really gonna do much unless the rest of the mix is treated to fit. :P Dynamics isn't just about volume, it's about intensity. Once the mix starts, it doesn't really get any more or any less intense.

Listen to Moon Rhapsody, it's one of my favorites partly because of the dynamics. You'll hear the intensity change a little everywhere. Fru's Heatman is much more subtle, but steadily changes throughout. Dynamics, intensity... life.


Yeah I think I see where you're coming from now. And I'm familiar with both of those two tracks, particularly Moon Rhapsody. They're in my playlist...somewhere hehe. But yeah I understand what you mean about having some more ebb and flow, and making the whole thing more organic. I've got some ideas brewing already, and I'll work at changing up some of the textures and make the whole thing more fluid and less stale. I also know a couple spots where I think a keychange would work well. It will take some time to make the changes (I'm not exactly a prolific musician by any means) So yeah, I'll get at reworking it a bit once I find some time between job hunting splurges.


  • 1 month later...

Quick bump here:

I've completely reworked the WIP texture wise to aim for a more cohesive sound. I also adjusted levels and effects to add structure and try to aim for a more organic/moving flow to everything. Hopefully this is much improved over the last version.

I'll post the link at the top a well.


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