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The People's Remix Competition 150


Hello everyone and welcome to the People's Remix Competition!

It's results time.

Alex Smith did a short but nice song, but winning is a bridge too far. He gets a second place wooden spoon with 2 points.

And the winner of PRC150 is TheoConfidor with 5 points!

Congratulations TheoConfidor. You did a great remix. It has a lot in it and it was enough to win the round. Alex Smith did nice as well, but only one can win PRC.

TheoConfidor, you may select the next source for PRC151. Make it a good one, because this will again be an over three weeks PRC (deadline's gonna be 21 august). Send your source to me (with a MID/MP3 file if you can) by PM before next Thursday, June 19th at 11:59 am Eastern US Time.

You may select any source from any game, as long as it doesn't have an Overclocked Remix and it hasn't been on PRC before. Check it at the list:



Remember, the sooner I receive the source, the faster I can start the new round.

See you all next Thursday.

The songs:

TheoConfidor - This is Too Easy

AlexSmith - Larry Versus Duke

It's already 149 rounds ago, the start of PRC. In the vacation season, it's time for edition 150. This is gonna be a different edition:

- The remixing stage will be three weeks, voting starts at Friday 24 july.

- Voting ends at Monday 27 july

- The next round will start as soon as I've received the source, but before Wednesday 29 July.

PRC149 was a very nice round. Four entries where submitted before the first deadline and all of them where appreciated in their own way. At the end, two remixers received the most points. Showroom Dummy received three first place votes, Joystick only one. Because that one counts twice, they tied.

Bundeslang claimed third place and Ceil ended fourth.


Here is a link to the midi file for the source I choose:


It's the Duke Nukem 3d theme song...this was originally composed for the game and later covered by Megadeath (I checked this to make sure it complied with site rules). It was quite a cool game back in the day and I wouldn't mind remixing it myself if the rules permitted :wink:.

Let me know if you have any probs as I also have the midi file as well.



Hello, I chose the song as you wanted.

It's from Leisure Suit Larry 3. One of those old sierra adventure games. Anyways, this is the love theme from the game. Something calm, and sweet. Not too complicated too, i think this will fit well in this competition. http://www.queststudios.com/sierra/lsl/lsl3gm4b.zip

Thanks and enjoy.


Duke Nukem 3D (PC) - Title Theme

Leisure Suit Larry 3 (PC) - Love Theme

MIDI Duke 3D

MIDI Leisure Suit Larry 3

ThaSauce link

Two total different songs. One theme of a shooter game, where you kill people. And a love theme, where you like people.

It should be a great challenge to do both songs in one remix, but of course it's also allowed to remix just one of the two songs.

As for the Duke Nukem song, I've picked up a great remix from Menasor at the global techno site (guess what genre it is?). You can find it in the topic:


You can't download the song anymore, I'll upload a link later.

I played Duke Nukem 3D a lot and I even created my own version of it called Kevduke. I created a lot of levels when I was 15 or something. I replaced the main theme with a different MID in that time.

I don't know Leisure Suit Larry 3, but I don't think it's a game like Duke Nukem 3D.


Fine Print:

PRC instructions

  1. If you happen to be mixing this song already, start over in the interests of fairness.
  2. Limitations at ThaSauce require your entry to be 6MB or less in size. Length for length's sake and MIDI rips are not allowed.
  3. Entries must be posted in the ThaSauce link by Friday July 24th at 3:59 am ThaSauce time (Check my signature (below) and the ThaSauce page for the exact time left. .
  4. You may remix both songs in one, but you don't have to do that. It's fine to remix just one of the songs.
  5. Do not make qualitative comments on an entry until the results of the vote have been posted.
  6. Mixers cannot vote for themselves but if they vote they recieve a free first place vote added onto their score.
  7. Josytick and Showroom Dummy, the winner of the previous contest can take part but they have to remix the song from the other winner. Their vote won't call twice, but can make a difference when there's a tie(however, if they submit a Bonus Mix (from their own song) or don't participate the vote will be doubled).

Doulifee's PRC Archives! For information about the previous contests.


  • 2 weeks later...

*Shrugs* Too much procrastination in the first place, and then being overwhelmed with 3 assessment tasks in three days straight at school this week? =p I swear, I'll get an F for that psychology work..

Anyways, couldn't come up with anything half-decent after all =/ Get your mixes in though, people whose creative juices are flowing better than mine =p


Still over a half day left to get the entries in.

This round will not be extended further because otherwhise I get in trouble to start PRC151 before I left for my third vacation.

PRC151 will be at least three weeks long again. After that, I want to go back to the usual PRC timeline.


The mixing stage is over. To vote, you should do the following:

- Visit the stated ThaSauce Page and listen to all the entries

- Scroll to the form at the bottom of the screen

- Fill in the rank of the entries from first to second. Leave the third box empty.

- State a reasoning for it.

You have until NEXT Tuesday, July 28th at 3:59 am ThaSauce time to vote, check my signature in the first post or simply the ThaSauce page for the exact time you have.

The winner will get to choose the source tune for PRC151 which is going to start Thursday. It's gonna be a longer contest again.

The songs:

TheoConfidor - This is Too Easy

AlexSmith - Larry Versus Duke


It's results time.

Two sources after the double win from last round. Because it's vacation, I guess most people actually don't have time for doing PRC.

Still, two remixers managed to get a song in. After voting, the following result appeared.

Total number of mixes - 2

Total number of votes - 3

Alex Smith did a short but nice song, but winning is a bridge too far. He gets a second place wooden spoon with 2 points.

And the winner of PRC150 is TheoConfidor with 5 points!

Congratulations TheoConfidor. You did a great remix. It has a lot in it and it was enough to win the round. Alex Smith did nice as well, but only one can win PRC.

TheoConfidor, you may select the next source for PRC151. Make it a good one, because this will again be an over three weeks PRC (deadline's gonna be 21 august). Send your source to me (with a MID/MP3 file if you can) by PM before next Thursday, July 30th at 11:59 am Eastern US Time.

You may select any source from any game, as long as it doesn't have an Overclocked Remix and it hasn't been on PRC before. Check it at the list:



Remember, the sooner I receive the source, the faster I can start the new round.

See you all next Thursday.

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