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ReMixer name: Wallonia

real name: John

email address: walloniamusic@gmail.com

website: http://last.fm/music/wallonia

userid: 27229

Submission Information

Name of game(s) arranged: Final Fantasy X

Name of individual song(s) arranged: This Is Your Story

Additional information about game: Composed by Nobuo Uematsu, Final Fantasy X is an RPG for PlayStation 2

Link to the original soundtrack: Here's a youtube version of the song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sY-QgGlDirs

Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc:

I used to follow ocremix pretty closely back in my college days, around the time Relics of the Chozo came out. I thought that someday I would throw my hat into the ring... 2 bands and a college degree later here I am! My background is primarily in guitar-based rock music, but I have recently fallen in love with electronic music. After getting some tools and playing around with them a bit I thought I would go ahead and try submitting a song.

Everybody including myself loves the music of Nobuo Uematsu, and I thought it would be a proper start. I chose this song/game because I think the FFX soundtrack is severely underrated and is one of the most atmospheric and subtle RPG soundtracks I've ever heard. "This Is Your Story" is a song that is played pretty early on in the game right as Auron is speaking with Tidus as he is getting pulled away from his world. The scene serves as a great introduction to the game and its soundtrack as it has both light and dark elements wrapped in an airy package. I wanted to retain this notion of combining both light and dark elements, but I tried to take some of the lighter parts of the original and darken them up for my version, entitled Lucid Tale. As the title implies the overall color of the song is meant to invoke a sense of lucidity in an otherwise unearthly story.

The song was created using an M-Audio Axiom 49 and Apple's Logic Studio 8.

Thanks for your time and for creating such a great community. I hope to become a bigger part of it and I look forward to learning from all of you and the other remixers.


John (a.k.a. Wallonia)


Final Fantasy X Original Soundtrack - (107) "This Is Your Story"

Props for choosing an FF10 theme that no one arranges. Definitely a fan of tackling less-appreciated themes, so good on ya.

The texture once things picked up at :38 was too sparse, IMO, and not fully cohesive. The piano sequencing was reasonably OK, but could have sounded more realistic. From 2:37-on, I felt like the foreground ideas were somewhat repetitive. The biggest killer IMO was that the overall dynamic curve wasn't that interesting.

Refining the existing sounds and fleshing out the texture would bring this closer to passing. You have a good foundation in place, and there's legit potential behind this mix.

NO (resubmit)


First and foremost, this track was composed by Junya Nakano, not Uematsu. Final Fantasy X had a bunch of awesome tracks and a ton of them were composed by Masashi Hamauzu and Junya Nakano. These guys need more creds!

Anyway, on to the mix. Arrangement is pretty cool but I would prefer a little less repetition of ideas, even if they were cool ideas. Maybe some variations in the beat, bass groove or instrumentation? Maybe not use the same really low sweep for all transitions? Just some more dynamic changes, ideas and perhaps variations on the source.

Production was the bigger problem area though. All sounds seem reverbed and distant, no need to overdo it even though Logic's got a hot reverb unit :) There's a lot of emphasis on the high-end and even the drums/bass are lacking body. I'd really like to see some fleshing out of the soundscape and balancing of the different elements.

Overall this shows a lot of promise but needs that additional polish to really shine. Keep it up!



I like the arrangement, the mix of piano with some icy synths and a generally barren soundscape. You crafted a consistent mood and expanded on the original. There was some repetition of ideas, but my big problems were on the mxiing side.

Right off the bat, the sounds get very piercing, and in general there's too much of an emphasis on the high frequencies. The levels of your instruments need to be adjusted to get a more balanced sound. The high piano notes also sounded like they were in a different space than the drums and synths, which comes down to volume, reverb and EQ settings. They need to be more settled in the mix - right now, they are right out in front. You could also sequence them less rigidly.

Pretty much, if you can fix those production problems I could see this getting passed and I think your song would be the better for it even if it doesn't.

NO (resubmit)

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