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*NO* Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine 'Jen-Ivo Gets His Fix'

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Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine "Jen-Ivo Gets His Fix" remix...download


Hopefully this one will go through since I have it on my site instead of my friend's FTP. >_>

Oh, and a little clarification on the name...Jen-Ivo is a character in the webcomic "Ruins of the Fourth Wall". He like Dr. Pepper, which was the original name. But my friend was all "NO NO NO! IT'S NOT AS GOOD AS JIVEMASTER'S MIX CALL IT SOMETHING ELSE!" so...well, here it is. Hope you like it. ^^;;

Oh yes...credit to "DJ Squarewave", and website is:


-DJ Squarewave


:( I was really looking forward to a Mean Bean Machine remix, too.

Like Anna Locke said, this does sound very amateurish. I personally think the phaser that's on the beginning plucked synth has too much feedback. The chords that come in after about a minute or so sound so incredibly dry and boring. You know, in some ways, this reminds me of something from the early Armored Core soundtracks. It's... mediocre. I could see this person, DJ Squarewave, developing some skills after a year or so, but currently, this is just too dull. The drums repeat tons, the song doesn't seem to have a whole lot of direction to it, and a lot of the synths are just... blah. Bass could be done better. The synth used for it is GOOD, but the programming is boring. It kind of works here, but it just leaves the song sounding... boring. Like I've said lots. Maybe with a bunch of reworking, I'd consider YESing this. Oh, and is it just me, or does that heavily reverbed hi-hat actually carry on through the entire song?

You know, this reminds me of my first remix.



My boy Beaty (with his oh-so-pretty eyes that just seem to sweep you off your heterosexual feet) is right. It sounds like a first effort, and while that's not a crime, it is a very big hinderence to enjoying the song. The synths combine to form something that is above incompetant, but far below engaging. They also have this flat, blunted timbre to them that accents the piece's lethargy. It's just... dull. I'd say, take Beaty's advice, spice the hell outta this things, and work on yer chops, as we all had to at one point in our musical adolescence...

...I'd like to think my musical nuts dropped around Pearlsong... but enough about me, let's talk about you.



I agree with the rest of the judges. This is pretty nice. But it sounds fairly generic. The lead and drums don't really stand out. This needs better production values for this kind of genre. The lead and drums are very laid back. This just doesn't stand out too much the way it is right now.


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