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ReMixer Name: BAMFBassman11

Real name: Bruce Norris

Email address: brucenorris11@gmail.com

User ID: 28711

Name of game arranged: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

Name of song arranged: Midna's Desperate Hour

Comments: I recently went out and bought Reason, and this is the culmination of my first attempt at anything electronic. I chose this song only after experimenting with a groove in three, and seeing how 'Midna' fit I immediately began to shape an arrangement around it. I kept the arrangement fairly consistent with the original (with exception to the B section), but added a trance/dnb kind of feel to it that keeps the flow going from beginning to end, and keeps that energy pumping.

In retrospect, I suppose a story could be crafted from the audio steps I took; anyone who's played the game knows at what point this song comes in, so I figured a lot of rhythm could be representative of the constant desperate element. The more contemplative sound could be appropriate in the middle to represent how Link begins to ponder the events that just happened. The drum break could represent a surprise attack, maybe...? I don't know.

However, I wasn't even thinking about that when I made it. I was just trying to make something that grooved, and others could groove on. Since it is my first submission, I would ask that if there are any ways I could improve upon any aspect that the judges would be open to letting me know so I can improve. I'm all about getting better, and working in the electronic world was a welcome changeup, but I could always use the advice.


~Bruce N.


The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Game Rip) - (70) "Midna's Desperation"

The piano part sounded too much like the original, but I'm willing to panel this since the overall package was interpretive.

The production definitely needed work. The high end frequencies sounded cut off, and everything sounded lossy and distant, very apparent at :11 and the changeup at 1:17.

Nice transition and addition of the pad at 1:39, repeated at 2:01, 2:23 & 2:43. This original section went on too long IMO, but started hinting at the source a bit with the piano after 2:47.

3:04 (finally) changed up into another original section, before (also, finally) bringing back the source at 3:28 (nice SFX usage right before then) with a cut-and-paste of :56's section. 3:49 offered some changes for the lead to at least offer a little variation. Things wound down 4:03 via subtraction which was an effective finish, though the mechanical-sounding piano sequencing was exposed.

Going from 1:17-3:28 with just brief hints of the source needs to be trimmed down or modified in some way. It just went on too long without "Midna's Lament" in a significant role and made the arrangement seem too disconnected from the source tune.

So in short, I'm liking the overall ideas, but this needs some additional work to realize its potential. This could either use some trimming down of the original section or more integration of the source during that section. The production also needs to be cleaned up, and the Midna's sections bookending the piece could use a little more variation from one another if you think you can make that work. Cool first sub, Bruce, this is already a solid foundation, so I hope we hear more from you on this one.

NO (resubmit)


I liked the drum'n'bass approach for this song and your drum grooves were solid, it suited the material well. I didn't have a whole lot of good to say about it otherwise. The beginning and the end were too conservative, with just added drums and some slight rhythm alterations in the melody. The rest was too liberal, and the squelchy synth wasn't that melodic. There has to be a balance struck between the two halves, it can't be a minute of the source note-for-note, a minute of no source.

The production was also pretty off, with the drums missing the high-end and low-end. They're all mid and the track sounds very strange. Sorry to get harsh, but I think this track would need a lot of work before it could pass, including some major rewriting.



The style you're going for definitely works, but the execution in both arrangement and production is a little too weak to make it across the finish line just yet.

The piano came in a little too strong for a backing element at the beginning; when the synths came in, it didn't feel dynamic at all, it was just background noise, when it should have been the reverse.

Also, as the other judges mentioned, the drums seem to be run through a frequency tube of some sort, with very little if any highs or lows present.

The inner section I thought was awesome musically, but was far too liberal, even for me. There needs to be a stronger connection to the source there. There were hints of it, and that's good, but it needs to be more dominant.

For a first go around with reason, this is pretty good stuff, so don't get discouraged, but it does need some work to get posted.


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