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Gamestop "Indie Contest": 'best' game wins $100k

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Surprised this hadn't yet been posted. FYI...


Develop a game, pay 100 bucks, give up all rights, and then you have a chance to win. If you're done by 1 Oct.

[EDIT: closer inspection makes it indeed seem that you don't have to give up rights to your game, just ownership of the cds or what-have-you that you send them. ...that really throws a wrench in my sarcasm.]


Someone get FlankingLine to enter.


I didn't see anything about giving up rights, except for the part about the competition owning any physical media or materials you send them (basically so they don't have to send it back to everyone). And I guess if you actually got a publishing contract, there'd probably be some adjustment of rights.

With that said, I'm curious if anyone knows if this has been held before, and what kind of games are usually entered and/or win? I've actually been doing the graphics for a little game with a couple of friends of mine (the programmer has finished almost all of his part while on vacation in Japan... it's a trans-Pacific project! :-P ), and we could probably have things done by October if I sped things up a bit on my end (and the soundtrack guy did the same).

It's a simple retro-inspired 2D puzzle platformer, mostly centered around block-pushing puzzles, with various types of blocks with different properties and effects. It's the first time for any of us working on anything like this, but I think we've got something on our hands with a surprising level of polish for a bunch of total noobs. A couple of early screenshots, just testing out some of the tilesets to make sure everything connects properly: 1 2

Not sure if that's the sort of thing they go for, or if its more like a big super deluxe 3D extravanganza.


There's always a ringer for these contests who blows everyone out of the water. I hate these contests. It takes your money giving you the impression that you might actually get somewhere when all you did was pay $100 to see how small you really are. Yeah, the $100,000 winner is going to be a (professional) 3D super extravaganza.


Yeah, that's what I figured. We'd probably be better off looking for something specifically focused on 2D games or with some sort of "First Timers" category. We're really just doing it for the sake of being able to say "Holy shit, we actually made a game," but sticking it in some little competition might be kind of fun, if we could just find the right one to enter it in.

...what does FL have to do with this at all

OCR Adventures was fun and I'd like the man to get paid... even if he didn't design the game engine. To hell with the rules.

Nothing. Just a random mental connection.

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