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Monkey Island - Metal(?) remix WIP


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It's been a while since I last time did something with remixing, so... I was trying the new Monkey Island Special Edition, and remembered how cool the music is in that game. Just about the same moment i noticed the rhythm similarity in the MI theme and Michael Jackson's "Smooth Criminal". Are ya following me? ;)

So, basically here's the intro of Smooth Criminal remixed with MI theme, and then it changes to LeChuck's theme. At first I was going to make a complete "write-over" of Smooth Criminal, but it would've turned out rather boring. Instead, I used it only in the intro, and then changed to polka-ish proge-metal kind of thing, which changes to quite burdened thrash riff.

It's still a work-in-progress. It's only a bit over one minute of length, drums are just "put out there" and the guitar parts are recorded on the first try.

Well, I guess that's just about all I can say for now, please, criticize it. :)


(Sorry for the host service, but I don't have any "better" place to upload, so... Just bear with it. :P )

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Needs more polka. :D

Sounds ok, but could be better. Take it to #ocrwip. If you say it's metal or rock or guitar, you stand a better chance at hearing from snappleman, sixto, tensei-san, or one of our fellow finnish guitar remixers, they know this stuff better than most of the ppl on the wip board.

Tho I can say I think the drums aren't loud enough... or rather, the guitar is too loud. Not much, but I think the drums should punch through a little better. Ask the guitar ppl. :D

From what I can tell, it's pretty cool, tho I would like to hear a different guitar tone for some of the time, it gets old to have just this same one. With the the same part of source repeating a lot, it easily gets old. Sixto did it well in this remix. Tho he used a synth, I think it illustrates how a different sound makes it more varied. A hardpan effect like his intro could also work somewhere in your remix.

I can hear Smooth Criminal in there, but it fits so well that I'm not sure I'd notice it if I hadn't read it already. Source is undoubtedly there too, tho I think it could be more creatively handled. It's got a lot of repetition, but changing the chords underneath the melodies could make a huge difference.

MI needs more love. This track has potential. Good luck with it.

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Hey man, this is pretty great.......I was nodding my head to this. I don't want to go into any detail on what you should work on since I'm still kind of getting back into music myself; but if I were to crit something, I would have to say that the main guitar is a bit loud compared to the drums. But, of course you knew that since this is a wip, and you were probably going to make that adjustment in the final mixdown. Hope you finish it

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