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I think i've finished the arrangement. There are some parts I'm not sure about like the last two bars on the first flute part if someone has some ideas let me know. And I could use some production help as well. Other than that this song is done and ready to be subbed.


Oh by the way, if someone can help me think of a name I'm not sure if I'll stick with the one I have lol.

Edit:Updated 08/15/2009


It's a nice arrangement of Cosmo Canyon.

I really like the fast paced electro vibe you gave it, and the cool variations you added to the original melody.

Good work on the atmospheric pad & background sfx too.

Current issues:

-Intro pad is a bit simple --> try adding modulation flange or phase to it.

-While the ustensils are nicely layered, the drums are a bit repetitive --> try to vary rythmic patterns & drum sound some more.

-Snare hit is a bit heavy --> lower volume or gain a bit.

-Flute is way too piercing --> tweak the EQ, try to remove 1 range of highs.

-the mix isn't as cohesive at it should be right now --> polish the mixing/mastering aspect.

Keep it up. I'd really like to hear the finished mix. :wink:


Yeah, this is very good. I can definitely hear the source.

I agree with Dj Mokram on most of what he said. While the production seems to be somewhat solid, it could use a few tweaks. The intro pad is definitely kinda boring. Maybe add some slight 3rds or 5ths to the notes there already here and there. As for the drums, they do get repetitive in some places. Maybe an extra bass kick or so here and there would change things up. Knocking the very high EQ down a notch or 2 for the whole track would help smooth things out as well as the flute track.

Alright...i'm a-gonna do it!! I think the snare sounds pretty good already, but i guess it wouldn't hurt adjusting it like Dj Mokram said. There, i did it! :D


Ok , now it sounds more varied, and the mix appears to be cleaner overall.

Here's the crit:

-Intro pad sound is better. Intro atmosphere isn't. --> Add some other strings to give more texture.

-Your drums aren't introduced at all. --> You absolutely NEED a reversh crash of sorts. I'm dead serious.

-Snare is still a bit loud. --> Try to lower it to 85-90% of its current volume.

-Snare is a bit too dry. When it hits, it hits hard. --> Add some wet and space in your reverb to soften the blow.

-Your electronic sfx are somewhat too proheminent atm. --> Put them in the background a little more.

-Flute is still piercing. --> Lower the velocity on the most highly pitched notes.

These are all minor fixes that you can adress fairly easily.

You're almost there, just a little more effort.


Thanks again Mokram for the feedback, there are some things I don't agree with though.

-I have strings in the beginning with the pad and they're harmonized. What do you mean by adding in more strings? And as crazy as it sounds I wasn't goin for some dramatic intro with a lot of texture because I feel the song doesn't really need it which is why I just added the filter effect.

-Drums not introduced? I'm not quite sure what you mean. Do you mean how the drums just come in after that first string section? And why is it that I NEED a crash? I'm confused about that

-Which snare are you talkin about because I have around 4 different ones in different parts of the song and I don't really believe they are that loud or that bothersome.

-When you said prominent sfx, do you mean the gurgling sound or some other sfx?

I don't mean to sound like a douche but I just think that those tweeks you're talkin about sound more personal than anything. I do believe the flute was still piercing which I'm changing. If I got more feedback about the other stuff then I would lean more to believing those tweeks are needed, but I'm not gettin that kind of feedback like I had hoped =(. I really do appreciate your concerns though, at least two people are listening. All the views I get, I should be gettin that much feedback in my opinion I don't ever visit a thread and not respond in it but that's me and I'm not gonna get into all that because it's true and I don't feel like offending people lol. Anyways thanks again and hit me back up with clarification on my concerns about your concerns lol xD.

Thanks again Mokram for the feedback, there are some things I don't agree with though.

-I have strings in the beginning with the pad and they're harmonized. What do you mean by adding in more strings? And as crazy as it sounds I wasn't goin for some dramatic intro with a lot of texture because I feel the song doesn't really need it which is why I just added the filter effect.

-Drums not introduced? I'm not quite sure what you mean. Do you mean how the drums just come in after that first string section? And why is it that I NEED a crash? I'm confused about that

-Which snare are you talkin about because I have around 4 different ones in different parts of the song and I don't really believe they are that loud or that bothersome.

-When you said prominent sfx, do you mean the gurgling sound or some other sfx?

I don't mean to sound like a douche but I just think that those tweeks you're talkin about sound more personal than anything. I do believe the flute was still piercing which I'm changing. If I got more feedback about the other stuff then I would lean more to believing those tweeks are needed, but I'm not gettin that kind of feedback like I had hoped =(. I really do appreciate your concerns though, at least two people are listening. All the views I get, I should be gettin that much feedback in my opinion I don't ever visit a thread and not respond in it but that's me and I'm not gonna get into all that because it's true and I don't feel like offending people lol. Anyways thanks again and hit me back up with clarification on my concerns about your concerns lol xD.

1. I think he meant your pad sounded a little lo fi. If that's not what I meant, that's what I meant.

2. That's more of a subjective thing, I don't really find a problem with it.

3. I think he means the snare that's hit real hard...


Well, song critique can never be 100% objective. There's always a part that is subject to personal preferences.

But it's cool man, I got your point. Maybe I hadn't been expressing myself clearly enough.

Let me rephrase that.

-The pad sound is fine. Just add some harmonies to avoid the monotony.

-In that case, the reverse crash was a purely subjective thing, as Neblix suggested.

-I was talking about all snares in general. I didn't said loud, I said dry.

-Yeah, the gurgling sound in particular is a bit too present. But if you're ok with it, keep it that way.

I'll leave it to others to confirm or deny the need for afformentioned tweaks.

Maybe precising that the song is 'Cosmo Canyon' into your topic title would help bringing more people in here to give feedback.

...oops! That would be another one of my subjective suggestions, wouldn't it? xD

Haha ok that's more clear now thanks xD. Yeah I only have the pad playing one note it's not harmonized I'll look into that. Imma check out the other stuff as well. Is the song Valley of the Fallen Star or Cosmo Canyon? I guess I'll just put both lol.

You're remixing a song and you don't even know what the source is called?!

Shame... SHAAAAAME! :tomatoface::tomatoface::tomatoface:

EDIT: And Tomatofacing you gave me the Red Mage (+400) forum status. w00t!!!

Psh it has two different names I just wanted to know which one was used more lol. Anyways more feedback ppl. Actually I'll probably just sub it as it isn't that far from bein done after I listen to it with a few more tweeks.

Just go with Cosmo Canyon. That's the name in the game.

It's kinda short, pardner. Average mixes 'round these parts are 3:30.


Well, as long as there's enough source and that the mix is clean & creative, the lenght probably won't matter that much.

But I'm afraid it might still be too generic sounding for OCR standards though. Then again, I'm no judge.

Neblix is right, you should go for Cosmo Canyon, but don't forget the game title pal. ;-)


Haha well once again I don't mean to sound like a douche but I wouldn't post this if I thought it sounded "generic" in anyway xD. Although I did start this in 2007, put it on halt to allow myself to grow and come back to it when I got better as an artist so back then it sounded pretty bad I don't think this is the case now. And length isn't an issue this song is 3:50 anyways lol =P.

Haha well once again I don't mean to sound like a douche but I wouldn't post this if I thought it sounded "generic" in anyway xD. Although I did start this in 2007, put it on halt to allow myself to grow and come back to it when I got better as an artist so back then it sounded pretty bad I don't think this is the case now. And length isn't an issue this song is 3:50 anyways lol =P.

Oh my bad I thought the number was 2:50.

I never really gave this song a GOOD thorough listening, I just listened to bits and pieces to get the gist of what it was.

It's pretty good.

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