Liontamer Posted August 26, 2009 Posted August 26, 2009 Andrew Raisborough User ID: 28878 Name of Game Arranged: Terranigma (1996, Super Nintendo, Quintet/Enix) Name of Song Arranged: 'Resurrection Theme' Original Composer(s): Masonori Hikichi, Miyoko Kobayashi Comments: I am aware there a few remixes of this song in circulation out there already, but I thought I would give this one a spin myself. I have always wanted to arrange this song, especially ever since way back in 2003 when I wanted to get an idea of how it would sound - So I went to play the song at the point in the game it would occur, meanwhile playing a beat from an old 80's Roland drum machine through a guitar amp, and painstakingly trying to keep the beat in sync / tempo with the music! Hope you like it. - Raze ----------------------------------------------------------------- - "Open the Door" (ts-09.spc) Source usage: :00-:51, 1:42.25-2:08, 2:33-2:46, 3:24-4:41 That's 54.31% of a 5:07-long mix, i.e. kosher with the source usage. I hear how you were trying to use the four sustained note countermelody of the original as part of the arrangement, but there were times it deviated from the notes which wouldn't count as usage of the source IMO (e.g. 2:59-3:12 was an example). In any case, I thought the dynamics weren't bad, but beyond a certain point, the core arrangement ideas sounded too similar. Even though the source melody's short, you can figure out more ways to create variation in the arrangement (e.g. tempo, rhythm), and you'd have something that could be fully realized. The rigid piano sequencing would have to be worked on as well. Good stuff so far, Andrew, but you've gotta tweak this so it rests a cut above groove bias and has a more developed voice. NO (resubmit)
big giant circles Posted August 26, 2009 Posted August 26, 2009 Gah, without even listening to the mix yet, I'm regretfully a little skeptical that this is going to be a successful ReMix, no matter who's remixing it. As much as I LOVE this game and LOVE it's OST, I hold this particular song in about the same regard as the Windmill Hut music from Zelda OoT. It's a nice catchy little diddy in the game, but not really long enough or bearing enough substance to stand on it's own. Terranigma is towards the very top of the list of games that have awesome music that I want to remix, (I actually DO have one that I started a year or more ago, but haven't found the time to work on past a minute or so), and this source was actually one that I considered, but the more I thought about it, the more I figured I'd have to incorporate this theme in as a counter-melody or cameo/medley-type thing because I just don't see dragging it out for more than 30-60 seconds tops. I'm now over 4 minutes into your mix, and I pretty much feel the same way. It's just awfully repetitive, and not really all that developed. I mean, even for trance. And I'm not exactly saying it's because you didn't do a good job; it's just that there's not a lot of places you can go (by OCR guidelines) with a source tune that's 11 seconds long, especially if you're shooting for a trance mix. My sympathies, it's a cool track by default of the source, but not so strong as a stand-alone piece. I'd suggest doubling it up with more music from the Terranigma OST perhaps, but I'd feel uncomfortable passing this when there are plenty of others that we've NO'd that were in the same boat as this piece. More Terranigma love, please! Also, random trivia, last time I heard someone "remix" this song, it ended up being some kid who stole it from Darkesword's website. He didn't even change the tags or anything I wish I had time to go back and play through this game again, though.
anosou Posted August 27, 2009 Posted August 27, 2009 Gonna keep it short because some huge-ass circles already went essay You have a lot of original material, you have a lot of source but the remix needs more actual arrangement. It also drags a bit, it's really very repetitive. You need to use the source in a more interpretive way and make the arrangement a bit more ineteresting. Production was overall good except for the piano. You know what the problem is by now but you show a lot of promise so keep it up! NO
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