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Some time ago I said I would show case some fun wads/ports for the classic DOOM games (though in reality a majority, if not all, simply utilizes the DOOM2.WAD. Most if not all info can be found at THE DOOM WIKI.

First off to help get people started:

ZDOOM: Considering the amount of features this source port (not to be confused with Valve's Source Engine) has included, it's generally one of the best ways to play the classic DOS games onto the more modern Windows Platform; along with compatibility of other older games such as Heretic, Hexen ect.

Runs under Windows 9x, NT, XP, and Linux.

Personal Note: For some players, the coding seems to change the game play a bit such as causing the Archvile's explosive effect to make the player go much higher than normal in the port, compared to the original DOS and another port which is coming up next.

PrBoom: Essentially another source port for Windows, Linux/POSIX, OpenVMS and Mac OS X. It focuses more on emulate/replicating the same gameplay experience, basically a stable port of the more established/traditional engines.

There's another version called PrBoom+ which adds some more features, in particularly an uncapped frame rate and a chase-cam for demo playbacks.

Finally one of the most arguably essential apps any DOOM player should have is...

Skulltag is very vital in that it's a multiplayer source port for the DOOM games as well as total conversions/CO-OP mods.

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Now for the games/wads/total-conversions ect. The following will be Youtube links to the gameplay along with some explanations. However in order to play these megawads/wads/conversions ect the DOOM2.WAD at most will be required for you to already "own" so to speak.

: Part three of a large collection of megawads. The entire collection combined contains well at or over ninety six levels.

Community Chest 1 Community Chest 2

Community Chest 3

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: One of the very difficult megawads out there, lots of enemies and monsters in such intricate levels.

Alien Vendetta

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Nuff said holy shit :lol:

Scythe I

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: Referred to as a "spiritual successor" to Scythe 1, it plays very similarly still providing great challenges.

Scythe II

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Hell Revealed: Made back in 97, It is possibly the best known example of an ultra-hard WAD, and has received the most attention by speed-runners of any PWAD.

Hell Revealed

: A direct sequel to Hell Revealed and possibly one of the hardest as I personally have not been able to finish it. :lol:

Hell Revealed II

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: In contrast to most megawads, it is designed especially for cooperative multiplayer gameplay, although it can be played in single-player as well. The sequel, Memento Mori II, Like its predecessor, and in contrast to most megawads is designed especially for cooperative multiplayer gameplay; although it can be played in single-player as well.

Memento Mori Memento Mori II

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: (NSFW:title screen at least) Despite the name, it's a challenging megawad with redone music. Aside from an image depicting a sexual position, the image itself has little to do with the actual megawad; essentially for the lulz.

Kama Sutra (megawad not actual manual :< )

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The following uses Skulltag.

[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVGF_J4ok-g&'>The Cyber Baron Lord holy shit I laughed so hard I nearly upchucked dinner :lol:. Nonetheless it's a very fun one imo.

: Don't run out of ammo and leave your self defenseless thus causing what the vid displays.

The Hotel...

Hell After Dreams 3

Ghouls versus Humans epic in its own rights. The

aspect is pretty sweet too...

I hope those that take interest in all this will enjoy it as much as I have~!


Yeah I know I've forgotten a few.

A couple of good ones I can think off the top of my head would be Claustrophobia 1024 an Congestion 1024 in that they are packs made out of the idea of condensing all maps in an incredibly small size yet still be very playable, challenging and enjoyable.

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