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Alright, been awhile since I've been here, but hey! I actually feel confident about this remix o' mine. And what do ya know, it's something other than MML stuff! lol

Anyways, can't really say my whole idea with this one, just kinda went with it really. I think it came out nicely for just a wip, but I'll let you guys be the judge of that one.



Update #1

OH SHIZZ!!! An update already? lol Yeah, I worked on this earlier today. Some people like to hear previous versions to compare, so, there ya go.



Update #2

Not much to this one, I changed the strings for intro and outro purposes. Added a lower bass line for the trance section, gave some grit to the bassdrum in the trance section and leveled everything out to make sure nothing was being ignored. Overall, not a big update, but a good update.



Update #3! Hopefully the last one!

Alright, not much to say. I messed with some EQ to help balance everything out. The kick drum in the trance section no longer has any "grit" to it. Changed the lead synth in the trance section, added a die-out section and...well, yeah. That's about it. Let me know what you think, cause this biotch is DONE! :D



But alrighty then, hope you guys enjoy this. Anything you can dish out, I'm more than welcome to receive. Criticize to your hearts content. :D

ALSO, here's the source track if you've never heard it before. Sorry, it's a youtube video, but hey...it works. :P


movie based remixes are usually not passed...though correct me if I'm wrong, I think that a Finding Nemo remix did end up getting posted. I think. But why the lack of comments here people?? Don't just ignore a track cuz you don't know it...sheesh =p

Barring the fact that it's a remix of a movie-VG-based theme, this is actually pretty hawt. Hm, maybe the bass is a notch too overpowering and the HH and OH stand out a bit too much, which makes the piano back-melody a bit too overlapped. Nice gating effects and that reverse cymbol/pan effect there. Also there needs to be an ending =p


HoboKa: Yeah, from what I understand, movie-music doesn't count. If the music is made specifically for the game, then it's fine for remixing...or atleast that how it was last I checked. lol

Alright, so basically lower the bass volume just a tad and work on the Hats to make them fit in, rather than stick out. Thanks for commenting on that cymbal thing I had going. What did you think of the whole "reverse" section back to the main section? I was a little ify, but I liked it.

BlackPanther: Well I'm glad you like it, can't wait to hear what you have to say about it.

Anyways, sorry to both for the late response, kinda stuck without internet at my house. I DO have an update, though. It's not much of one, worked with what I had with the trance section to help it flourish a bit more. I'll get that uploaded in a few minutes.


I got a chance to listen to it again. I don't really hear any issues with it till towards the end when you have that other synth come in and that 4x4 kick drum comes in, it sounds like it's clipping but that could be just me. Maybe someone else could give you a better break down since I've never been good at critiquing someones work when it actually sounds decent lol. That kick drum was the only problem I heard though but you should definitely get more opinions if people listen to the song.


lol, Thanks Panther. I did hopefully fix that problem with the kick drum for ya. Glad you like what you hear, though. :P

At any rate, this remix is hopefully done. Now lets see if we can get some comments and more critquing for it. lol

  • 2 weeks later...

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