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I bought the Line 6 Greabox Silver with free gold upgrade for $100. I get a pretty good sound out of it for metal at least. I tried Amplitube with the TonePort that came with the GearBox but I get latency issues with it. Like a 40 ms delay. It doesnt sound like it always but you definately feel it in your playing. Im not sure what ASIO you're supposed to use with it.

But for something cheap and fast, Gearbox is something I recommend.

I also hear Guitar Rig 3 is great. But I believe they're up to 4 now. Might be worth lookin into.


Depends on how many inputs you want. I would guess that 1 is enough if your just recording guitar off it. I use a Line 6 Toneport UX1. Its run about $149.

Is this possibly better than the Gearbox?

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