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KI: Saberwulf's Stage


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so going back 3-4 years now, I started this mix using piss-poor samples and really having next to no knowledge about mixing, mastering, producing, composing, etc. and while I still have no knowledge of any of that, I happen to have expensive high quality ubermassive samples. Due to software upgrades and creating songs much differently then years back, I could really only do so much to the project file, and so I throw it up to the public for opinions. Trash, treasure, or other?

You decide.

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Personally, I think the arrangement took too long to get to the more recognizable source material, but then again I haven't heard the source in 6+ years. It also felt a bit too empty throughout - you'll probably need some more texture so there aren't so many block-chord ominous moments (a few are okay, but over 50% of the song is pushing it). Of course there are production issues, but those are a non-issue since you're planning on remastering it, anyway.

Yeah, it's worthy of a remake, but add some more flair to it this next time around. I know you can do it, so don't disappoint, dude.

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