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SONG: ShoRyuKen (soLid Xciter Remix)

Attached is a a remix using Ryu and Ken's theme songs.

Remixer Name: soLid Xciter

Your real name: Kenneth Baylon

Your email address: solid_xciter@yahoo.com

Your website: http://www.myspace.com/solidxciter

Your userid (number, not name) = xciter (http://www.ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=29238)

Name of game(s) arranged : Street Fighter

Name of individual song(s) arranged: Ryu and Ken theme songs


http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=sf2 - "Ryu Stage", "Ken Stage"

Assuming this is SF2 because Ryu is obviously in there, but I didn't hear any Ken... maybe there was something more subtle like a background part used. It sounded liberal but if I'm missing the Ken, that's a different story.

In any case, I liked how Ryu was arranged here with the backup strings, and the set of instruments was nice overall. Some of the detour parts went on long, but otherwise, good writing. The real killer is how unrealistic the instruments sound. There are whole sections that just sound flat because of the rigid sequencing. Pretty much, that's the sticking point here along with a possibly liberal arrangement.

NO (resubmit)


The sound balance was pretty weak. The mixing should have been cleaner and the backing parts were way too quiet and positioned too far away in the soundscape compared to the lead.

Also, the usage of the vocal clips & SFX was pretty n00bish given how much of it there was. Use them sparingly for effect.

Agreed that the arrangement was too liberal, in that there were too many wholly original sections thrown in there without enough focus on arranging Ryu's theme. Once you heard the Ryu section, it was just cut-and-pasted for the rest of the usage, which was lazy as hell. Gimme some more substance beyond the changes in the last 30 seconds.

The sequencing was also pretty unrealistic with all those string parts, and there was basically no resolution for the ending.

Not bad for a beginner's effort; you show off some initial promise. In the future, focus more on arranging the actual VGM theme and less on slapping voices & sound effects over a beat. Hope to hear improvement from you with the sequencing the next time around as you continue to improve your skills.



Short sweet vote here. I was put off by the excessive vocal clips and the sloppy execution of the strings especially. The Ryu theme was obvious and clear when it was going on, but it did meander into the Liberal territory. Ken's theme is a pretty well-known theme, and I didn't seem to hear it in there at all.

Not a bad mix, though, good effort for sure. I'll echo Larry in that you show some promise. I don't have much else to add aside from what my fellow J's have already said.


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