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Wow. I am totally diggin. The chop effects are way rad. Definite groove happening here. The main beat that kicks in is a bit dissapointing, it's not as focused and straightforward as I had wished. Then afterwards, it cuts out to a break that doesn't do much to break up the monotony. It never really emerges with the same intensity (or moreso) than the climactic part, and that tends to make it seem like the latter half is a terminal cool-down. After such a badas intro, there needs to be something to do it justice. Instead, it gets real sparse to the point of sounding like loop addition/subtraction.

Get some more interesting things happening if it's supposed to be a jam track, or cut it back and do some processing if it's supposed to groove. Right now it seems a bit in the middle.

Definately work on a more conclusive ending. It ends with a whimper, when with more energy, it would certainly end with a bang.

There's some very creative volume stutter fx, effective instrumentation and synth programming, but the arrangement issues and lack of supporting dynamics kill it.

Give 'er another go, put some stank on it!




I realize I'm the like the Paula Abdoool of the panel. But I like it.

No, it doesn't really escalate. Actually, it barely develops, and there is a part that repeats quite a bit and is begging for some mad escalation. But what baffles me is that there is so much cool stuff going on (panning, staggering) without the benefit of developmental addition. Makes me kinda sad, though, to think how much cooler it would have been with a nice bell-shaped curve of development. Developers. Developers. Developers. Developers.

So I'm torn... but only mildly so. On the one hand, there are some very sweet and well-implimented ideas going on. On the other hand, there simply isn't enough going on to sustain an entire piece. It really is like Ol' Boy Vigi sez: It's a big-budget movie that's got no real story. TELL US A STORY. A STORY THAT BUILDS... LIKE AN ORGASM... OR A SNEEZE...

...Eh, make it an orgasm. I hear those are more fun, though just as messy.


Reminder to self, edit out that last statement.

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