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So I've decided to release my current bundle of presets I use on my Line 6 Pod XT for everyone to use and mess with. More than half the tones are leftover from when I bought the Metal Shop and FX Studio packs, and this is not organized or named well at all, but...who cares. Have fun with the tones, and if you make any modifications or want to upload your own, please do so and share them here!

Bundle from November 3rd, 2009: http://www.mediafire.com/?mm2zn2muqit

Have fun! I have no idea what you'll need in order to play them, but I used a PodXT with the Metal Shop and FX Studio packs.


This Line 6 Pod XT. Is it any better than the GearBox? By any chance could you provoide a sample of a great distorted high-gain guitar using these presets?

also, do you use humbucker pickups, single-coil pickups, or a telecaster?


It's about the same as GearBox, I think, just in an actual hardware device that can also be connected or contained within a floorboard (Pod XT Live is a floorboard, Pod XT can connect to the FBV1). You can actually open these presets in GearBox, TheShaggyFreak has done so, and if I get the time, I'll record some demo stuff of the highest-gain things I use.

I'm using a Gibson SG Faded, which is humbuckers.

This Line 6 Pod XT. Is it any better than the GearBox?

Basically Gearbox/Podfarm works like a plugin in your DAW. Instead of using a piece of hardware to hold all the models, it's all done via your computer. While both the Pod and the software plugin use the same models, some people argue whether or not they sound the same. I really haven't noticed any difference.

It's about the same as GearBox, I think, just in an actual hardware device that can also be connected or contained within a floorboard (Pod XT Live is a floorboard, Pod XT can connect to the FBV1). You can actually open these presets in GearBox, TheShaggyFreak has done so, and if I get the time, I'll record some demo stuff of the highest-gain things I use.

I'm using a Gibson SG Faded, which is humbuckers.

Yeah I'd like to hear it. I've been playing guitar for 20 years or so (im 26 now) and I still get jealous of other people's guitar tones. Just when I think I got a tone I adore, someone comes up with something identicle to Satrianni's or whatever (which is what im lookin for).

It wasn't until recently I started to learn about the tech side of guitar playing so now im trying to learn all I can to get that nice crisp sound im lookin for. Any info you have would definately help.

I myself am using a Dead McPhantom with a DiMarzio Evolution humbucker at the bridge and a Dean stock at the neck. I installed the DiMarzio myself but something tells me I shoulda went Seamore Duncan. :(

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